Not Using The Source Control Management

Source control embodies tracking and management of changes to code with an entire history of the changes. Having source control management is an important function to maintain a robust system. It helps you keep a track of changes you made and why you made them.  

If you are someone who is neglecting the value of SCM, you are wasting hours or even days. How? You may ask.  

If you have the exact information of what made you change a code, you have an unparalleled edge over those who don’t keep track. You can fix bugs deftly and along with this, you can decrease the risk of mistakes as there is zero human involvement. Now you also cannot forget to copy a major file. The ease of deployment surges substantially and catalyzes development cycles. The SCM also provides a brief overview of the code that needs to be changed that causes any bug. So you should use source control management regardless of being a solo developer or being in a team of developers.  

5 Deadly Sins of Software Development

Software development refers to a process of designing, programming, developing, testing, deploying, and supporting software. Developing new software can be a really complex task. The complexity of software development can cause a developer to get overwhelmed with the development process resulting in grave mistakes or sins as which are referred to in this blog. These sins deteriorate the quality of the software due to which companies can lose trillions of dollars. In 2020, as per the CISQ report, the US companies faced a loss of a whopping $2.08 trillion due to their software quality issues.  

These mistakes have not only cost organizations trillions of dollars but also weeks, months (and even years in some cases), merely over simple things that could’ve been handled in a much easier and more effective manner. Most of these sins can be prevented by following a pragmatic approach towards development. Read the entire blog to understand and avoid the most obvious mistakes that developers make.  

So, here are the 5 deadly software development sins that you shouldn’t commit:

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