More Scope

Did you know? Today Netflix, Google, Facebook, Amazon, and many more big tech giants are using python for the past few years. The sole reason behind this adaptability is its capability to scale and fit in AI, ML, Data Science, etc. and this has strengthened their inner system to scale their businesses. This has appropriately set a benchmark in terms of salary growth and better career opportunities. If you’ll see the figures, it has surpassed R, C/C++, PHP, C#, JavaScript, and Java today throughout the world and so does the doors opening for this language, and will continue to be at its peak in the upcoming future. You may also find that the average salary bracket of a Python software developer is somewhere around 4.2 LPA to 10 LPA. Not only this, this figure is rapidly changing and will continue to rise more in the coming future.  

When the world was fighting against the COVID-19 pandemic with chaos and layoffs from jobs, Python rose among all just like a strong pillar, and in fact, it was one of the highly paid and secured jobs at that time. 

7 Reasons Why You Should Learn Python in 2022

Believe it or not, Python has become one of the hottest topics in the field of programming in the past few years and has been widely used among big tech giants and developers today. Especially today when it’s all about data in almost every field, Python is giving a glorious touch to data mining, machine learning, and many other fields that were not common earlier. It is commonly known for its vast set of tools, and libraries that make it go smoother than any other language today.

Therefore, these specifications make it one of the most excellent and a language full of opportunities in the market today. As per records, Python is the second most widely used language and the simplicity of its syntax has enabled quick adaptability among non-programmers as well. Not only this as per a recent survey Python has also surpassed JAVA in terms of popularity around the globe, and interestingly today, if you’re reading this blog then you might be looking for a career change in development or you might be hearing chants of Python. 

Here are the 7 reasons why you should learn python in 2022.

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