Map Interface

In Dart, Maps are unordered key-value pair collection that sets an associate key to the values within. To define a Map, specify the key type and the value type inside the angle brackets(<>) as shown below:


Map<int, string> fruits = {1: "Mango", 2:"Apple", 3:"Banana"}


The map collection stores the objects as a key-value pair. An example is shown below.

void main() {
  // Initializing the map with sample values.
  var geekMap = {1:"Apple",2:"Mango",3:"Banana"};
  // Adding elements by different methods.
  // printing key and values
  print('Keys: ${geekMap.keys} \nValues: ${geekMap.values}');
  // removing an element from the map by its key
  // printing the map and its length
  print('{$geekMap} length is ${geekMap.length}');


{1: Apple, 2: Mango, 3: Banana}
{1: Apple, 2: Grapes, 3: Banana, 4: Pineapple, 9: Kiwi}
Keys: (1, 2, 3, 4, 9) 
Values: (Apple, Grapes, Banana, Pineapple, Kiwi)
{{1: Apple, 3: Banana, 4: Pineapple, 9: Kiwi}} length is 4

Classes Associated with Map Interfaces



MapBase<K, V>

This is the base class for Map.

HashMap<K, V>

Map based on hash table i.e unordered map.

LinkedHashMap<K, V>

Similar to HashMap but based on LinkedList.

SplayTreeMap<K, V>

The map ensures that its keys are ordered, and just like SplayTreeSet<E>.

UnmodifiableMapBase<K, V>

Basic implementation of an unmodifiable Map.

UnmodifiableMapView<K, V>

Unmodifiable view of the map.

i. Hashmap 

In the Dart programming language, a HashMap is a collection that stores key-value pairs, where the keys are unique and the values can be of any type. Here is an example of how to use a HashMap in Dart:

import 'dart:collection';

void main() {
  // Create a new HashMap
  var map = HashMap<int, String>();

  // Add some key-value pairs to the map
  map[1] = 'one';
  map[2] = 'two';
  map[3] = 'three';

  // Access the value for a specific key
  print(map[1]); // Output: one

  // Iterate over the map
  map.forEach((key, value) {
    print('$key: $value');



Dart – Collections

Collections are groups of objects that represent a particular element. The dart::collection library is used to implement the Collection in Dart. There are a variety of collections available in Dart.

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