Low-Level Design (LLD) of Vending Machine

The Low-Level Design (LLD) is a crucial segment in the development of a vending machine system, following the High-Level Design (HLD).

  • In this segment, the focal point shifts from the conceptual structure to a more unique and granular level of implementation.
  • The LLD dig into the specifics of every aspect, both hardware and software, presenting a roadmap for builders to translate the high-level concepts into a functioning device.
  • It acts as a bridge among the summary illustration of the device inside the HLD and the unique implementation that happens inside the coding phase.

Vending Machine – Low Level Design

Vending machines have become an essential part of our everyday lives, offering various kinds of products starting from snacks and beverages to personal care items. While their capability can also appear simple from a user perspective, the low-level design of a vending machine includes complex info to ensure clean operation, robustness, and safety. In this article, we will dig into the low-level design of a vending machine.

Important Topics for the Vending Machine – Low Level Design

  • Requirements Gathering for Vending Machine
  • High-Level Design (HLD) of Vending Machine
  • Low-Level Design (LLD) of Vending Machine
  • Components of Vending Machine with respect to HLD
  • Components of Vending Machine Low Level Design
  • How classes are interacting with each other?
  • Principles of Vending Machine Low Level Design(LLD)

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3. Low-Level Design (LLD) of Vending Machine


4. Components of Vending Machine with respect to HLD

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6. How classes are interacting with each other?

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7. Principles of Vending Machine Low Level Design(LLD)

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8. Conclusion

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