Linked List in Javascript

A linked list is a linear data structure, Unlike arrays, linked list elements are not stored at a contiguous location. it is basically chains of nodes, each node contains information such as data and a pointer to the next node in the chain. In the linked list there is a head pointer, which points to the first element of the linked list, and if the list is empty then it simply points to null or nothing.

Linked List Data Structure

Operations on Linked List:

  • Traversal: We can traverse the entire linked list starting from the head node. If there are n nodes then the time complexity for traversal becomes O(n) as we hop through each and every node.
  • Insertion: Insert a key to the linked list. An insertion can be done in 3 different ways; insert at the beginning of the list, insert at the end of the list and insert in the middle of the list.
  • Deletion: Removes an element x from a given linked list. You cannot delete a node by a single step. A deletion can be done in 3 different ways; delete from the beginning of the list, delete from the end of the list and delete from the middle of the list.
  • Search: Find the first element with the key k in the given linked list by a simple linear search and returns a pointer to this element

Below is the implementation of the Linked list  in javascript:

class Node {
    // constructor
    constructor(element) {
        this.element = element; = null
// linkedlist class
class LinkedList {
    constructor() {
        this.head = null;
        this.size = 0;

    // adds an element at the end
    // of list
    add(element) {
        // creates a new node
        var node = new Node(element);

        // to store current node
        var current;

        // if list is Empty add the
        // element and make it head
        if (this.head == null)
            this.head = node;
        else {
            current = this.head;

            // iterate to the end of the
            // list
            while ( {
                current =;

            // add node
   = node;

    // insert element at the position index
    // of the list
    insertAt(element, index) {
        if (index < 0 || index > this.size)
            return console.log("Please enter a valid index.");
        else {
            // creates a new node
            var node = new Node(element);
            var curr, prev;

            curr = this.head;

            // add the element to the
            // first index
            if (index == 0) {
       = this.head;
                this.head = node;
            } else {
                curr = this.head;
                var it = 0;

                // iterate over the list to find
                // the position to insert
                while (it < index) {
                    prev = curr;
                    curr =;

                // adding an element
       = curr;
       = node;

    // removes an element from the
    // specified location
    removeFrom(index) {
        if (index < 0 || index >= this.size)
            return console.log("Please Enter a valid index");
        else {
            var curr, prev, it = 0;
            curr = this.head;
            prev = curr;

            // deleting first element
            if (index === 0) {
                this.head =;
            } else {
                // iterate over the list to the
                // position to removce an element
                while (it < index) {
                    prev = curr;
                    curr =;

                // remove the element

            // return the remove element
            return curr.element;

    // removes a given element from the
    // list
    removeElement(element) {
        var current = this.head;
        var prev = null;

        // iterate over the list
        while (current != null) {
            // comparing element with current
            // element if found then remove the
            // and return true
            if (current.element === element) {
                if (prev == null) {
                    this.head =;
                } else {
                return current.element;
            prev = current;
            current =;
        return -1;

    // finds the index of element
    indexOf(element) {
        var count = 0;
        var current = this.head;

        // iterate over the list
        while (current != null) {
            // compare each element of the list
            // with given element
            if (current.element === element)
                return count;
            current =;

        // not found
        return -1;

    // checks the list for empty
    isEmpty() {
        return this.size == 0;

    // gives the size of the list
    size_of_list() {

    // prints the list items
    printList() {
        var curr = this.head;
        var str = "";
        while (curr) {
            str += curr.element + " ";
            curr =;


// creating an object for the
// Linkedlist class
var ll = new LinkedList();

// testing isEmpty on an empty list
// returns true

// adding element to the list

// prints 10

// returns 1

// adding more elements to the list

// returns 10 20 30 40 50

// prints 50 from the list
console.log("is element removed ?" + ll.removeElement(50));

// prints 10 20 30 40

// returns 3
console.log("Index of 40 " + ll.indexOf(40));

// insert 60 at second position
// ll contains 10 20 60 30 40
ll.insertAt(60, 2);


// returns false
console.log("is List Empty ? " + ll.isEmpty());

// remove 3rd element from the list

// prints 10 20 60 40

10 20 30 40 50 
is element removed ?50
10 20 30 40 
Index of 40 3
10 20 60 30 40 
is List Empty ? false
10 20 60 40 

Learn Data Structures with Javascript | DSA using JavaScript Tutorial

JavaScript (JS) is the most popular lightweight, interpreted compiled programming language, and might be your first preference for Client-side as well as Server-side developments. But have you thought about using Javascript for DSA? Learning Data Structures and Algorithms can be difficult when combined with Javascript. For this reason, we have brought to you this detailed DSA tutorial on how to get started with Data Structures with Javascript from scratch.

Data Structures with JavascriptData Structures with Javascript

Table of Content

  • What is Data Structure?
  • How to start learning Data Structures with Javascript?
  • Learn about Complexities
  • Learn Data Structures with JavaScript
  • Array in javascript
  • String in javascript
  • Linked List in Javascript
  • Stack in Javascript
  • Queue in Javascript
  • Tree in Javascript
  • Priority Queue in Javascript
  • Map in Javascript
  • Set in Javascript
  • Graph in Javascript

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