Language Fundamentals

A. Origins and Philosophy


The concept of “developer happiness” was realized by Yukihiro Matsumoto in 1995 who created Ruby. Accordingly, this philosophy puts emphasis on code that is easy to read and write using an English-like syntax.

This means that the focus on developer experience makes coding more fun and efficient especially for beginners.

The main language design of Ruby starts with object-oriented principles which make it easier to organize applications around objects and classes.


Rasmus Lerdorf developed PHP in 1994 as a tool for managing personal webpages. In the course of time, however, it morphed into a fully-fledged web development programming language.

While PHP’s syntax has been influenced by elements from C and Perl meaning those familiar with these languages may find some resemblances. But this could sometimes result in odd or inconsistent syntax compared to Ruby’s uniformity.

Though PHP embraced object-oriented aspects in subsequent versions, they might not be deeply rooted as they are in Ruby’s core design.

B. Syntax:


Ruby is often appraised for its clean, easily understood nature and structure which resembles ordinary language. The use of indentation to define code blocks dismisses the need for curly braces thereby possibly increasing readability.

The keywords such as “if,” “else” and “def” are easy to spot, thus making the code clearer.

This focus on being readable means that not only can the initial developer better understand it, but other parties charged with maintaining or extending the codebase in future would also find it easier to read and comprehend.


def check_odd_even(number)
  if number % 2 == 0
    puts "#{number} is even."
    puts "#{number} is odd."

number = 7


C and Perl provide PHP’s syntax with some hints. This could make one learn it slightly faster if they’ve used those languages before.

However, using a mixture of old and new language constructs sometimes leads to confusion. For example, PHP supports both loose and strict typing hence introducing a chance for errors if not handled properly.

Even though modern PHP frameworks have promoted better syntactic cleanliness, the latter may lack the finesse in Ruby’s approach.


function checkOddEven($number) {
    if($number % 2 == 0) {
        echo "$number is even.\n";
    } else {
        echo "$number is odd.\n";

$number = 7;

C. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP):


Ruby is an object-oriented language. Ruby treats everything as an object, with data and behavior being encapsulated within the same entity. The concept of encapsulation encourages code reuse, enables modular programming as well as eases future maintenance.

Thus, it is quite natural to think in terms of objects and classes when working on applications in the Ruby language as Object-oriented principles are deeply ingrained in its structure.

That leads to more organized codebases that can easily be expanded and get complicated without losing maintainability.


PHP is not truly OOP at first but later versions incorporated Object Oriented features.

However, these Object Oriented facilities might look less logical than those of Ruby.

In PHP for instance, implementing fundamental concepts such as inheritance and polymorphism which are native to OOP may require some mental acrobatics.

To sum up, for projects where maintainability and smooth development experience matter most, Ruby’s developer-friendly syntax, object oriented nature coupled with the emphasis it places on readability makes it a viable choice.

Ruby vs PHP: Top Differences

You must carefully consider the technical advantages and disadvantages of both Ruby and PHP before choosing one for your next web development project. Despite their established and competent status, these languages serve distinct purposes in the field of web application development.

The main points of Ruby and PHP will be covered in detail, along with their language ideologies, development approaches, performance traits, and levels of community support. We hope to provide you with the technical knowledge necessary to make an informed choice and choose the language that most closely matches the demands of your project by objectively breaking down these variables.

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Ruby vs PHP: Top Differences

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1. Language Fundamentals

A. Origins and Philosophy...

2. Development Speed and Efficiency

A. Development Speed:...

3. Performance and Scalability

A. Performance:...

4: Community and Resources

A. Community:...

5: Ideal Use Cases

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Ruby vs PHP: Difference Table

AspectsRubyPHPLanguage PhilosophyFocuses on developer happiness and readabilityGeneral-purpose, influenced by C and PerlSyntaxClean, concise, uses indentationCan be mix of old and new styles, curly bracesObject-OrientedCore principle, everything is an objectLater addition, may require more effortDevelopment SpeedFaster for complex logic due to concisenessModern frameworks catching up, slower for complex logicCode MaintainabilityEasier due to emphasis on readability and OOPLegacy code can be spaghetti code, modern frameworks improve itPerformanceGenerally lower performance, higher memory usageGenerally better performance, lower memory usageScalabilityScales horizontally with additional web serversScales horizontally with frameworksCommunitySmaller, friendly, and collaborativeLarger, resource-rich, finding specific answers might be harderIdeal Use CasesRapid prototyping, complex logic apps, developer experience, APIsSimple websites, CMS, e-commerce, cost-effective development, legacy systems...


In conclusion, the victor in the Ruby vs. PHP battle is situational. For rapid development and a smooth experience, Ruby on Rails excels. Budget-friendly projects and e-commerce applications might favor PHP’s established ecosystem. Complex, data-driven applications can benefit from Ruby’s object-oriented prowess. Carefully weigh these factors and explore resources like “Ruby vs. PHP performance” or “PHP frameworks for web development” to make an informed decision and propel your project to success!...

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