Job Security

One of the much-discussed factors!! Undoubtedly, job security is quite better in MNCs in comparison with startups. Reports say that most startups often fail within the first 2-3 years of their advent – now, you can determine the job security level of working at startups. 

But if you see it from another edge, you’ll find that in startups you get more chances to face the challenges and bring out your best to secure your job.  

Why New Developers Should Work in a Startup?

Is it worth it for developers to work in a startup?

This is not only a mere question but an unavoidable situation that comes in every developer’s life (or others as well) when he is about to start his professional career or at least once in his entire career span. If we particularly talk about the software development domain, you may find out various worthwhile reasons to make a choice in favor of a big corporation but when it comes to opting for a startup – it is generally observed that most individuals hesitate to take a step forward.  

They often come up with various perceptions in their mind such as:

  • Startups won’t offer them job security.
  • There will be a lack of professional growth and career opportunities.
  • Salary and other perks will be comparatively lesser than those of MNCs, and many others.

But have you ever thought about the reason behind such beliefs and judgments of people towards working in startups? If yes, then you must have found out how these beliefs about startups are conventional and overhyped. In reality, the majority of genuine startups are doing really well and offering numerous career opportunities & benefits to tech professionals. 

And with the same concern, here in this article, we’ll take a brief look at why developers should work in a startup. But before that, let’s have a comparative discussion, based on various crucial factors, between startups and big corporations.

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