Inspection Method

Under the Inspection method, the value of mode is simply calculated by observing the given series of the variable. The variable that repeats or occurs the maximum number of times is considered to be the Mode value for that series. It is one of the easiest and simplest methods of determining mode when the data set is not large. 

Calculation of  Mode using Inspection Method in case of Discrete Series

The frequency value given beside each variable represents the number of times that variable occurs in a given series. Under this method, we have to carefully observe the given series to find out the variable/variables with the highest frequency. Variable or variables with the highest frequency value will be the Mode for the given series.

Example: Find the mode for the given discrete series:

It is visible that variable 20 has the highest frequency value of 8. Therefore, 

Mode (Z) = 20

Calculation of Mode in Discrete Series | Formula of Mode

The word mode comes from the Latin word ‘Modus’, meaning measurements, quantity, way, or manner. In statistics, Mode refers to the variable that occurs most of the time or repeats itself most frequently in a given series of variables (say X). It is a maximum occurrence at a particular point or a value, and one of the three measures of central tendency in statistics that aims to analyze and examine data given in categories like the colour of cars, design of handbags, etc. The mode can be determined in two series, viz., individual series and discrete series. It is denoted as ‘Z’

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