Health Checking

Load balancers regularly perform health checks on the backend servers to ensure they are operational and capable of handling requests. If a server is identified as unhealthy due to issues such as high resource utilization or system failures, the load balancer can automatically divert traffic away from the problematic server, thereby enhancing the system’s overall reliability.

How does a Load Balancer Works?

A load balancer is a crucial component in system design, ensuring that incoming network traffic is efficiently distributed across multiple servers or resources. The primary goal is to optimize resource utilization, enhance system performance, and ensure high availability and fault tolerance. The fundamental mechanism of a load balancer involves intelligently routing incoming requests to a pool of backend servers, preventing any single server from becoming overwhelmed with traffic.

Here’s a breakdown of how a load balancer works:

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In summary, a load balancer acts as a traffic manager, distributing incoming requests among multiple servers to optimize performance, ensure high availability, and enhance the overall reliability of a distributed computing system. Its ability to adapt to changing conditions and efficiently route traffic makes it a critical component in modern, scalable, and resilient architectures....

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