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Learn how to automate data entry tasks with chatGPT Google Sheets.

1. Log in to Google Workspace and click Google Apps in the top right corner. Now scroll down, find “More from Google Workspace Marketplace,” and visit the site. You have to look for ‘ChatGPT Auto-Data Entry’ and install it.

2. Then, from the sidebar, pick ChatGPT Auto-Data Entry. Click on the Quick Start button.

3. Here are two sub-steps involved.

  • Make sure to type the file type you want to enter into ChatGPT Auto Data Entry.
  • Mention the information type you want to extract.

4. A confirmation screen will appear to ensure you are ready. You can locate it in My Drive. Click on Open for folder inspection to get two folders, ‘error-file’ and ‘archive_file.’

5. Upload the folder into the designated folder to extract data. AI will now start processing the files automatically.

6. A new spreadsheet is in the ‘archive_file’ folder. You will find the URL of each processed file in the new spreadsheet.


  • Extract information in bulk from multiple file formats, including image files, business cards, resumes, PDFs, tabular files, and invoices from different formats.
  • Works with Google Drive and Google Docs.


  • The free plan offers 20-unit execution.
  • The Light plan costs $29 with 200 units, and the cost per time is $0.15.
  • The Medium plan cost is $29 with 500 units, and the cost per time is $0.10.
  • The Premier plan costs $29 with 1000 units, and the cost per time is $0.08.

How to Automate Data Entry Tasks with ChatGPT

In the digital age, where data is as precious as gold, manually handling data entry can feel like sifting through sand with your hands. Enter ChatGPT, a revolutionary tool that promises to transform this tedious process into a breeze. With businesses generating vast amounts of data daily, the need for efficient data management systems has never been more critical. Automation, particularly through advanced AI like ChatGPT, offers a lifeline, potentially reducing data entry errors by a significant margin and freeing up valuable human resources for more complex tasks. This guide will walk you through How to Automate Data Entry Tasks with ChatGPT, making your workflow smoother and more efficient.

Table of Content

  • How to Automate Data Entry Tasks with ChatGPT
  • How to Set Up and Integrate Excel and ChatGPT for Data Entry Automation
  • How to Install ChatGPT Excel Plugins
  • 1.
  • 2. AI Companion
  • 3. Google Workspace Marketplace
  • Automating Data Entry Tasks with AI – Are Jobs at Risk?
  • Is Using ChatGPT for Data Entry a Good Decision for Businesses?
  • Final call
  • FAQ on Data Entry Automation with ChatGPT.

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