Feature Driven Development (FDD)

FDD refers to Feature Driven iterative methodology but it is in the combination with object modelling and it is also beneficial for big team projects. FDD is a five step development process which helps in accelerating the software delivery easily.

Advantage of Feature Driven Development (FDD)

  • Feature Driven Development supports various teams which work parallel.
  • FDD covers up all the big or small projects which require some sequential updates.
  • This feature driven development methodology is mainly suitable for large projects.

Disadvantage of Feature Driven Development (FDD)

  • FDD provides no documentation support to the project owners.
  • FDD is a complex pattern development for the junior developers.

Feature Driven Development (FDD)

What are Software Development Methodologies | 15 Key Methodologies

The main objective of Software Development companies is to provide high quality software products at low cost. Therefore, proper planning is required and proper management is required for the software development process. Thus a proper methodology is important for achieving this type of objectives by the companies and organizations. There are multiple types of Software development methodologies and in this article a detailed knowledge is provided about the Top 15 Software Development Methodologies.

Table of Content

  • What is Software Development Methodology ?
  • Top 15 Software Development Methodology
  • 1. Agile Methodology
  • 2. Behaviour-Driven Development
  • 3. Lean Development
  • 4. Scrum Methodology
  • 5. Waterfall Methodology
  • 6. Feature Driven Development (FDD)
  • 7. Extreme Programming (XP)
  • 8. Spiral Methodology
  • 9. Rapid Application Development (RAD)
  • 10. Prototyping Methodology
  • 11. Rational Unified Process Methodology
  • 12. Adaptive Software Development
  • 13. Dynamic Systems Development Model 
  • 14. DevOps Methodology
  • 15. Joint Application Development Methodology
  • Conclusion

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Top 15 Software Development Methodology

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1. Agile Methodology

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2. Behaviour-Driven Development

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3. Lean Development

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4. Scrum Methodology

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5. Waterfall Methodology

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6. Feature Driven Development (FDD)

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7. Extreme Programming (XP)

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8. Spiral Methodology

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9. Rapid Application Development (RAD)

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10. Prototyping Methodology

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11. Rational Unified Process Methodology

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12. Adaptive Software Development

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13. Dynamic Systems Development Model

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14. DevOps Methodology

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15. Joint Application Development Methodology

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The Software Development methodologies are important in software development and also benefits the organizations in multiple ways by helping software developers so that they produce high quality software products and cost-effective software’s. Therefore in this article all the top 15 software development methodologies are mentioned with a detailed understanding of each methodology with their benefits....

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