Discard staged changes in Git

git reset HEAD 

This command will unstage all changes that have been added to the staging area, effectively undoing the git add operation. However, it won’t modify the actual files in your working directory; it only resets the staging area to the state of the last commit.

Example: To demonstrate discarding staged changes in git.

Note: Here we can observe that after staging ex.py using git add command using git reset HEAD ex.py the file goes back to unstaged state and is shown using U next to file name.

Make sure to use these commands with caution, as they will discard any changes you’ve made since the last commit.

How to Discard all Changes in Git?

Git is a popular version control tool that remembers all the changes made to a set of files over time. This is especially useful for software development, where multiple people might be working on the same code.

Table of Content

  • What are the Changes in Git?
  • State of git changes
  • 1. Discard Uncommitted Changes in Tracked Files
  • 2. Remove Untracked Files and Directories
  • 3. Discard staged changes in Git
  • FAQs.

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