50 Difficult SAT Words for Your SAT Preparation

Another list of 50 difficult words for your SAT preparation:

  1. Redoubtable: inspiring fear
  2. Relegate: assign to a lower position
  3. Remiss: failing in what duty requires
  4. Reprieve: postpone the punishment of a convicted criminal
  5. Reprobate: a person without moral scruples
  6. Rescind: cancel officially
  7. Requisition: an authoritative demand
  8. Rife: excessively abundant
  9. Sanctimonious: excessively or hypocritically pious
  10. Sanguine: confidently optimistic and cheerful
  11. Scurrilous: expressing offensive, insulting, or scandalous criticism
  12. Semaphore: an apparatus for visual signalling
  13. Serendipity: good luck in making unexpected and fortunate discoveries
  14. Sobriety: the state of being unaffected or not intoxicated by alcohol
  15. Solicitous: full of anxiety and concern
  16. Solipsism: the philosophical theory that the self is all that exists
  17. Spurious: plausible but false
  18. Staid: characterised by dignity and propriety
  19. Stolid: having or revealing little emotion or sensibility
  20. Subjugate: make subservient; force to submit or subdue
  21. Surfeit: indulge (one’s appetite) to satiety
  22. Surreptitious: marked by quiet and caution and secrecy
  23. Swarthy: naturally having the skin of a dark colour
  24. Tangential: of superficial relevance, if any
  25. Tirade: a speech of violent denunciation
  26. Tome: a large and scholarly book
  27. Toady: a person who tries to please someone to gain an advantage
  28. Torpid: in a condition of biological rest or suspended animation
  29. Travesty: a composition that imitates or misrepresents a style
  30. Trenchant: having keenness and forcefulness and penetration in thought
  31. Trite: repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse
  32. Truculent: defiantly aggressive
  33. Turpitude: a corrupt or depraved or degenerate act or practice
  34. Ubiquitous: being present everywhere at once
  35. Umbrage: a feeling of anger caused by being offended
  36. Upbraid: express criticism towards
  37. Utilitarian: having a useful function
  38. Veracity: unwillingness to tell lies
  39. Vestige: an indication that something has been present
  40. Vicissitude: a variation in circumstances or fortune
  41. Vilify: spread negative information about
  42. Virtuoso: someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field
  43. Vitriolic: harsh, bitter, or malicious in tone
  44. Vituperate: spread negative information about
  45. Vociferous: conspicuously and offensively loud
  46. Wanton: a lewd or immoral person
  47. Wily: marked by skill in deception
  48. Winsome: charming in a childlike or naive way
  49. Yoke: join with stable gear, as two draft animals
  50. Zephyr: a slight wind

200+Difficult SAT Words With Their Meaning

The Scholastic Assessment Test, commonly known as the SAT, is a critical step for students aspiring to study in the United States. Administered by the College Board, this standardized test evaluates a student’s readiness for college. A significant portion of the SAT assesses reading and writing skills, making a robust vocabulary essential for success.

In this article, we delve into the challenges of SAT vocabulary and provide valuable resources and tips to help you excel in this aspect of the exam.

Table of Content

  • Why is Studying SAT Vocabulary So Challenging?
  • 100 Difficult SAT Words with Meanings
  • 150 Difficult SAT Words that will Elevate your SAT Preparation
  • 50 Difficult SAT Words for Your SAT Preparation
  • Tips to Improve your SAT Vocabulary

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