Creating a Desktop Launcher

To make it easier to pierce Visual Studio Code, you can produce a desktop launcher. This step is voluntary but can ameliorate your workflow.

Creating a Launcher

To produce a desktop launcher, you need to produce a desktop train that defines how to launch the operation. Then is how you can do it :

Produce a new train in the ~/.local/share/operations directory. You can use any textbook editor. Then is an illustration using nano :

nano ~/.local/share/applications/vscode.desktop

Add the following content to the train:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Visual Studio Code
Comment=Code Editing. Redefined.
Exec=code %F
Categories=Development; IDE;

Save the train and exit the textbook editor.

After creating the. desktop train, Visual Studio Code should appear in your operation menu or dashboard. You can also produce a roadway on your desktop for quick access.

By following these way, you should have successfully installed Visual Studio Code on Red Hat Linux. You now have access to a protean law editor with a rich ecosystem of extensions and inventor tools.

How to Install Visual Studio Code in Red Hat Linux

In this post, we will see How to Install Visual Studio Code in Red Hat Linux. Visual Studio Code (VSCode) is an important, open-source law editor that has gained immense fashionability among inventors for its inflexibility, expansive extension library, and integrated development terrain( IDE) features. This companion will cover the process of installing VSCode on Red Hat Linux, ensuring you have all the necessary ways and environments to get started.

Install Visual Studio Code in Red Hat Linux

  • Prerequisites
    • Red Hat Linux Installed:
    • Executive Boons:
    • Verifying sudo Access
  • 1. Downloading Visual Studio Code Package
    • Using a Web Cybersurfer
    • Using the Command Line
  • 2. Installing the Package
    • Installing with dnf
    • Installing with yum
  • 3. Running Visual Studio Code
    • Launching from the Terminal
    • Launching from the Operation Menu
  • 4. Creating a Desktop Launcher
    • Creating a Launcher

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Before we begin, ensure you have the following prerequisites in place :...

1. Downloading Visual Studio Code Package

The first step is to download the Visual Studio Code package. Microsoft provides a pre-built RPM package specifically designed for Red Hat- grounded distributions....

2. Installing the Package

With the RPM package downloaded, the coming step is to install it using a package director like dnf or yum....

3. Running Visual Studio Code

Once installed, you can launch Visual Studio Code from the terminal or through the operation menu....

4. Creating a Desktop Launcher

To make it easier to pierce Visual Studio Code, you can produce a desktop launcher. This step is voluntary but can ameliorate your workflow....


In this companion, we walked through the process of installing Visual Studio Code on Red Hat Linux, covering everything from downloading and installing the RPM package to creating a desktop launcher for easier access. By following these way, you now have a important law editor with a rich ecosystem of extensions and inventor tools at your disposal. Still, insure you’ve checked your system’s prerequisites, like executive access and a compatible Red chapeau- grounded distribution, If you encounter issues during installation. also, you can visit Visual Studio Code’s attestation or Microsoft’s GitHub depository for further information and community support....

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