Concatenating Column Values Using CONCAT

Concatenating column values allows you to combine multiple columns into a single string value. This method is useful for generating composite fields or enhancing data presentation.

-- Creating another column for FullName with the help of FirstName and LastName strings.
ALTER TABLE EmployeeDetails
ADD FullName VARCHAR(100);

-- Finalizing FullName by concatenating two names.
UPDATE EmployeeDetails
SET FullName = CONCAT(FirstName, ' ', LastName);

-- Displaying updated data
SELECT * FROM EmployeeDetails;


Explanation: The result of the method is the addition of the column named FullName in the table called EmployeeDetails and its value is the concatenating the FirstName and LastName columns. Now, the FullName column for each employee features their full name, thus enhancing the data capabilities by combining these values.

How to Set a Column Value to NULL in SQL Server

In the world of database management, SQL Server is a leading and extensively utilized system. A fundamental task within SQL Server is manipulating data within tables, and setting a column value to NULL is a common operation. Whether it’s for maintaining data integrity, performing updates, or meeting specific business logic requirements, efficiently executing this action is crucial.

In this article, we’ll delve into setting column values to NULL in SQL Server. We’ll cover three methods: utilizing UPDATE statements, employing CASE statements for conditional updates, and concatenating values using CONCAT.

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The process of managing column values in SQL Server may pose certain challenges requiring specific solutions. The utilization of UPDATE statements, CASE expressions, and string operations like CONCAT allows developers to effectively modify column values that meet the data quality and performance requirements. Comprehending these techniques and caveats equips database administrators and application developers with the capabilities to deal with the column values within the SQL Server databases efficiently....

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