Castor Oil Plant

Castor Oil Plant

 The seemingly harmless castor bean plant, source of castor oil, holds a terrifying secret – ricin, a toxin deadlier than cyanide, strychnine, and many snake venoms.

  • Poison in Seeds: Ricin lurks inside the plant’s seeds, disguised in their pretty red or purple coat. Even the leaves may carry some of this deadly powder.
  • Slow and Cruel Death: Ingesting ricin is no quick exit. Its gruesome effects, internal bleeding, nausea, vomiting, cramps, and kidney failure, take nearly ten days to unfold.
  • Cell by Cell: Ricin sabotages the very engine of life within human cells, disrupting vital chemical processes. This slowly shuts down organs, leading to painful degeneration and death.
  • Beyond the Plant: Sadly, ricin’s potency attracts misuse. Its powder form has been used in acts of terror and poisoning.

7 World’s Deadliest Plants

Since ancient times, people have used plants as a source of food and a remedy for illnesses. Besides those some plants can be lethal to consume. Like other living things, plants also have natural defences that assist protect them from all the harmful predators that might try to eat them. Some plants contain the deadliest compounds that, when consumed, can cause us to get severely unwell or even die, in addition to stinging spikes and thorns.

Deadliest plants have caused human deaths throughout history, including in 399 BCE, Socrates‘ death from a poison hemlock and babies’ unintentional use of lethal nightshade. Plants have evolved a variety of cunning defenses against their enemies. Unfortunately, a few of these chemical defenses can hurt people by irritating their skin. Some of the variety of plants may appear to be dangerous, but some of them contain some of the worst toxins ever discovered and they also have deadly flowers.

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