By using the ipinfo

The ipinfo can also be used to get the IP address in the same way we used the ipify with the get() method by passing a callback function to it.

Example: This code example uses the ipinfo to get the client’s IP address in an alert box.

<!DOCTYPE html>

        Getting Clients IP

            text-align: center;
        h1 {
            color: green;
    <script src=

            Getting Client IP address
        <p id="result"></p>
            // Use "" link to use the
            // ipinfo for getting the ip address
            function (response) {
                $('#result').html(`IP Address: ${response.ip}`)
            }, "jsonp");



Getting client’s IP address

Note: Sometimes, it will not work on Google Chrome and Internet Explorer for the default setting. It supports Firefox and Microsoft Edge.

How to get client IP address using JavaScript ?

Imagine your computer as your apartment. Just like each apartment has a unique address for receiving mail, your computer has an IP address that helps it receive information from the internet. This IP address acts like a label that identifies your specific device on the vast network of computers, ensuring the data you request reaches the right place.

These are the following approaches by using we can get the client IP address using JavaScript:

Table of Content

  • By using the ipify
  • By using the ipinfo

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