Bitwise Operators

This class of operators contain those operators which are used to perform bitwise operation on the operands. It goes like this: 

Operator SymbolOperator NameOperator Description
&Bitwise ANDPerforms bitwise AND operation on two operands.
|Bitwise ORPerforms bitwise OR operation on two operands.
^Bitwise XORPerforms bitwise XOR operation on two operands.
~Bitwise NOTPerforms bitwise NOT operation on one operand.
<<Left ShiftShifts a in binary representation to b bits to left and inserting 0 from right.
>>Right ShiftShifts a in binary representation to b bits to left and inserting 0 from left.


Unsigned Shift right

Shifts a in binary representation to b bits to left (it ignores sign).

Example: Using Bitwise Operators in the program 

// Dart Program to Demonstrate
// Use of Dart Bitwise Operators
void main()
      print("Demonstrate use of Dart Bitwise Operators");
    int a = 5;
    int b = 7;

    // Performing Bitwise AND on a and b
    var c = a & b;
    print("a & b : $c");

    // Performing Bitwise OR on a and b
    var d = a | b;
    print("a | b : $d");

    // Performing Bitwise XOR on a and b
    var e = a ^ b;
    print("a ^ b : $e");

    // Performing Bitwise NOT on a
    var f = ~a;
    print("~a : $f");

    // Performing left shift on a
    var g = a << b;
    print("a << b : $g");

    // Performing right shift on a
    var h = a >> b;
    print("a >> b : $h");
      var i = -a >>> b;
      print("-a >>> b : $i");


Demonstrate use of Dart Bitwise Operators
a & b : 5
a | b : 7
a ^ b : 2
~a : 4294967290
a << b : 640
a >> b : 0
-a >>> b : 33554431

Operators in Dart

The operators are special symbols that are used to carry out certain operations on the operands. The Dart has numerous built-in operators which can be used to carry out different functions, for example, ‘+’ is used to add two operands. Operators are meant to carry operations on one or two operands. 

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