Architecture of Parking Lot(Garage)

Architecture of Parking Lot Garage

In the above diagram,

The system is capable of allocating free parking spaces to drivers on request through their smartphones. The following are the proccess:

  • The process involves an initial registration of a user account by the driver via the mobile application.
  • Subsequently, to book an optimally available parking space, the driver searches for a free parking spot closest to his desired destination by simply inputting his/her destination and entry gate into the mobile application.
  • The request is sent to a back-end web service that searches for a free parking spot based on received sensor information and sends the required instruction message to the driver, stating the parking space as well as the recommended route.

The system design is divided into two (2) aspects, namely:

  • Hardware circuit design and sensing technique considerations
  • Software design and development : Web Application (API) and Mobile Application

Designing Parking Lot (Garage) System | System Design

Parking garage plays an important role in today’s world, as the number of vehicles is increasing every day, so it has become a major concern to manage them. The parking garage provides the solution to this problem of limited space. It offers to book a Parking garage using any method whether online or offline.

In this article, we will explore all the various components involved in designing a Parking Garage.

Important Topics for Designing Parking Lot (Garage) System

  • Requirements for designing Parking Lot(Garage)
  • Capacity Estimation for Parking Lot(Garage)
  • Usecase Diagram for Parking Lot(Garage)
  • Architecture of Parking Lot(Garage)
  • Low-Level Design (LLD) for Parking Lot(Garage)
  • High-Level Design (HLD) for Parking Lot(Garage)
  • Database Design for Parking Lot(Garage)
  • API Used for Parking Lot(Garage)
  • API Code Implementation for Parking Lot(Garage)
  • Microservices Used for Parking Lot(Garage)
  • Scalability for Parking Lot(Garage)
  • Conclusion

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10. Microservices Used for Parking Lot(Garage)

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11. Scalability for Parking Lot(Garage)


12. Conclusion


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