@TestConfiguration (Test Configuration)

The @TestConfiguration is used to the specify additional configuration for the tests. It is often used to define @Bean methods for the test-specific beans.

public class TestConfig {
public MyService myService() {
return new MyService();

Testing in Spring Boot

In this article, we will be discussing Testing in Spring Boot. There are so many different testing approaches in Spring Boot used for deploying the application server. Testing in Spring Boot is an important feature of software development which ensures that your application behaves as per the requirement and meets all the testing criteria. Spring Boot provides a robust testing framework that supports Unit Testing, Integration Testing, and End-to-End Testing.

1. Unit Tests:

  • The Focus is on testing individual components or units of the code in isolation.
  • Use tools like JUnit and Mockito for the writing unit tests.

2. Integration Tests:

  • Test the interactions between the multiple components or modules.
  • Ensures that different parts of the application work together perfectly.
  • Typically involves testing repositories, services, and controllers.

3. End-to-End (E2E) Tests:

  • Test the entire application from the end to end simulating real user scenarios.
  • Involve testing application’s behavior through its external interfaces.
  • Use tools like Selenium for the web applications.

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Testing Annotations in Spring Boot


Maven Dependencies for Testing

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JUnit Testing Dependency

The Spring Boot uses JUnit as the default testing framework. The spring-boot-starter-test dependency already includes the JUnit so you don’t need to add it explicitly....

1. @SpringBootTest (Integration Testing)

The @SpringBootTest is a core annotation in Spring Boot for the integration testing. It can be used to the specify the configuration of ApplicationContext for the your tests....

2. @TestConfiguration (Test Configuration)

The @TestConfiguration is used to the specify additional configuration for the tests. It is often used to define @Bean methods for the test-specific beans....

3. @MockBean (Mocking)

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4. @WebMvcTest (Unit Testing)

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5. @DataJpaTest (Integration Testing)

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Additional Annotations

@AutoConfigureMockMvc: Used with the @SpringBootTest to automatically configure a MockMvc instance. @DirtiesContext: Indicates that the ApplicationContext associated with test is dirty and should be closed after the test. @Transactional: Used to indicate that a test-managed transaction should be used....


The Spring Boot’s testing support combined with the popular testing libraries like JUnit and Mockito enables the developers to create comprehensive test suites for their applications. By using the appropriate testing annotations and strategies you can ensure the reliability and correctness of the your Spring Boot applications....

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