Lakshmi Narain College Of Technology Admission Experience

As I stepped into the gates of the local private college in my city, my heart sank. It wasn’t the prestigious institution I had dreamed of attending after my JEE examination. Instead, it was a modest engineering college with a reputation that left much to be desired. Disappointment weighed heavy on my shoulders as I made my way through the crowded corridors on the first day of admission.


Opting for computer science as my branch of study was a natural choice, given the heavy demand and promising prospects in the field. The admission process was swift, almost too efficient. With a few clicks and an online payment, I found myself officially enrolled in the college.

There were many students along with me who choose computer science which made me realize the competition even in this tier 3 college I was facing so much competition.


LNCT has three main colleges inside it which a student gets based on their percentile in Jee Mains. If your percentile is above 80 you are eligible for Lnct Main, if it is between 70-80% you are eligible for Lnct S and if it is between 30-60 % then you are eligible for Lnct E.


However, amidst the sea of disappointment and disillusionment, a glimmer of opportunity emerged. As I navigated through the initial days of orientation and settled into my new academic environment, I began to notice something remarkable – the undeniable presence of competition.

Everywhere I turned, there were students driven by ambition, fueled by the desire to excel. It was a wake-up call, a realization that the quality of education and opportunities for growth were not solely defined by the reputation of the institution. Instead, it was the determination and drive of the individuals within it that truly mattered.

Today, as I continue my journey through higher education, I carry with me the wisdom gained from that transformative experience. I am grateful for the challenges that pushed me to strive for excellence and the strength I discovered within myself to overcome them

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