What is the Keyboard Shortcut to Jump Over Words?

Keyboard Shortcuts are the major aspects that reduce the workload for any operation that needs to be done with the Mouse Pad or Touch Pad. The same thing goes when you Edit any Text with Numerous Words.

If you want to Navigate any Document Word by Word, use the Keyboard Shortcut to Jump over Words. This article will discuss the Keyboard Shortcut for Different OS to Jump Over Words.

Why Use Keyboard Shortcuts to Jump Over Words?

Before moving ahead with the discussion of Shortcuts to Jump Over Words, we have to figure out the need to do so. The Shortcut to Jump Over Words on the Keyboard is used by most individuals for the following reasons.

  • More Efficient: If you use the Keyboard Shortcut to jump over the words in any document, it will be more efficient as you don’t have to use the Mouse pad or Touch Pad to go for any certain word in the document.
  • Precision Work: If you want to read any large document word by word, then the shortcut can be used. This will help to read the document without skipping any words in any large file.
  • Multitasking: If you use the Keyboard Shortcut, your hand will always be on the keyboard, not on any Mouse Pad or Touch Pad. This is going to save the time for other tasks.

What is the Keyboard Shortcut to Jump Over Words?

The Shortcut on the Keyboard to Jump over Words will be discussed based on different Operating Systems. Let us check the Keyboard Shortcut for the Windows Operating System.

Section 1: Keyboard Shortcut to Jump Over Words on Windows OS

The Windows Keyboard Shortcut that can be used to Jump over the words will be the CTRL + Left Arrow to go Left Side of Words & CTRL + Right Arrow to go Right Side of the Words.

Also, if you want to Select the Words while Jumping Over It, use the Shift Key along with the above. You can use the Shift + CTRL + Left Arrow to go on the Left Side. Shift + CTRL + Right Arrow to go to the Right Side.

Section 2: Keyboard Shortcut to Jump Over Words on Mac OS

The Keyboard Shortcut on Mac to Jump over the words will be quite different. As in the MacOS, there is no CTRL Key present, the Option Key will be used. You can use either Option + Left Arrow or Option + Right Arrow.

Even, if you want to Highlight the Words while Jumpping over It, you can again use the Shift Key. Press the Shift Key along with the Option Key each time to select each word in any document while jumping over it.

Section 3: Keyboard Shortcut to Jump Over Words on Linux OS

Now, as the Linux doesn’t come up with any dedicated separate keyboard, the Linux will have the same Keyboard Shortcut as the Windows OS. You can even use the Shift Key there as well.

So, to Normally Jump over any word, the Keyword Combination will be CTRL + Left or Right Arrow. If you want to Select or Highlight the Word with Jumping, you can use the Shift + CTRL Left or Right Arrow.

What are some applications where Keyboard Shortcut to Jump Over Words works?

Now, it is time to look at some of the applications where the Jump Over Words Keyboard Shortcut can work. You can be confident that there are no text fields present that don’t follow the rule. Let us check them with a particular category.

  • Offline Document: If you are on any Offline Text Document like Microsoft Word or Notepad, the Keyboard Shortcuts can always be used. You can also use the Word Highlighting Shortcuts even.
  • Online Document: For any other online document like Google Docs, the keyboard shortcut can be used. You can also use this operation if you are in any Online Text Field to enter some information.
  • Coding Environments: In different Coding Environments or IDEs like Visual Studio Code and Eclipse, you can use the shortcut to Jump over Words or to Select them while jumping.


From the above discussion, we can say that the Keyboard Shortcut for Jumping Over Words is a very useful operation. If you are a Content Writer or Text Editor, then you must compulsorily Practice the Keyboard Shortcut that will reduce the workload to some folds. So, start practising the Jumping Over Words Shortcut from now onwards.

Keyboard Shortcuts to Jump Over Words – FAQs

What is the Keyboard Shortcut to Jump Over Words?

The Keyboard Shortcut to Jump Over Words will be the CTRL + Left Arrow if you want to move ahead in the left direction of any certain selected word. If you want to move ahead in the Right Direction of the selected word, then use the CTRL + Right Arrow shortcut on your keyboard.

What is the Keyboard Shortcut to Select Words while Jumping Over?

The Keyboard Shortcut to Select Words while Jumping over Words will be the Shift + CTRL + Left Arrow, if you want to move ahead in the Left Direction of any certain selected word. If you want to move ahead in the Right Direction of the selected word, then use the Shift + CTRL + Right Arrow shortcut on your keyboard.

Is the Keyboard Shortcut to Jump Over Words the same for all Operating Systems?

No! The Windows & Linux Operating System has the same kind of keyboard shortcut as they share the same Keyboard. The MacOS has a different keyboard shortcut because the Mac Keyboard is different from the Windows Keyboard. Instead of the CTRL Key, there is the Option Key present on Mac that can be used to Jump Over the Words.

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