Iteration Planning

Iteration planning is generally a process of adapting as the project unfolds by making alterations to plans. Plans are changed simply based on feedback from the monitoring process, some changes on project assumptions, risks, and changes in scope, budget, or schedule. It is essential to include the team in the planning process. Planning is generally concerned with explaining and defining the actual sequence of intermediate results. It is an event where each team member identifies how much of the team backlog, they can commit to delivering during an upcoming iteration.

In this article, we are going to learn Iteration Planning in depth.

Iteration Planning

What is Iteration Planning?

Iteration planning is the process in Agile software development where teams decide which tasks to work on during a specific period, typically a week or two (an iteration or sprint). It involves breaking down larger tasks into smaller, manageable ones, estimating their effort, and assigning them to team members based on capacity and project goals. The aim is to create a plan that ensures steady progress towards completing the project within the desired timeframe.

Iteration planning is a key aspect of Agile project management, particularly in methodologies like Scrum. It involves the collaborative effort of the entire team to plan and prioritize the work to be done within a defined period, known as an iteration or sprint.

During iteration planning, the team typically:

  • Reviews the product backlog: The team examines the list of prioritized tasks, user stories, or features in the product backlog. This backlog represents all the work that needs to be completed over the course of the project.
  • Selects items for the iteration: Based on the team’s capacity and the priorities set by the product owner, the team selects a set of tasks or user stories from the product backlog to be completed during the iteration. These tasks should be small enough to be completed within the iteration timeframe, typically one to four weeks.
  • Breaks down tasks: The team further breaks down the selected tasks into smaller, more manageable units of work. This decomposition helps clarify the specific steps needed to complete each task and ensures that they are well-defined and achievable within the iteration.
  • Estimates effort: The team estimates the effort required to complete each task or user story. This estimation is usually done using techniques like story points or time-based estimates, allowing the team to gauge the relative complexity and size of each task.

Inputs and Outputs of Iteration Planning

Inputs and outputs of iteration planning in Agile software development typically include:


  • Product Backlog: A prioritized list of features, user stories, or tasks that need to be completed over the course of the project.
  • Velocity: The team’s historical velocity, which represents the amount of work the team can typically complete in one iteration. It helps the team estimate how much work they can commit to for the upcoming iteration.
  • Stakeholder Feedback: Input from stakeholders, such as product owners or customers, regarding their priorities and preferences for the upcoming iteration.
  • Team Capacity: The availability of team members and their capacity to take on work during the iteration.
  • Definition of Done: Criteria that must be met for a task to be considered complete, ensuring that the team delivers high-quality work.


  • Iteration Plan: A detailed plan outlining the tasks or user stories to be completed during the iteration, along with their estimated effort, assignments, and dependencies.
  • Task Breakdown: Tasks are broken down into smaller, more manageable units of work, clarifying the specific steps needed to complete each task.
  • Effort Estimates: Estimates of the effort required to complete each task, typically measured in story points or time-based estimates.
  • Task Assignments: Tasks are assigned to individual team members based on their skills, availability, and capacity.
  • Sprint Goal: A clear and concise statement of what the team aims to accomplish during the iteration, providing focus and direction for their work.
  • Iteration Backlog: The subset of items from the product backlog that the team commits to completing during the iteration. This forms the basis for tracking progress and measuring the team’s success during the iteration.

These inputs and outputs enable Agile teams to effectively plan and execute their work during each iteration, ensuring that they deliver value incrementally and iteratively throughout the project.

Preparation of Iteration Planning

The preparation of iteration planning in Agile software development involves several steps to ensure that the team is ready to effectively plan and execute their work during the upcoming iteration. Here’s how the preparation typically unfolds:

  1. Review of Product Backlog: The product backlog, containing prioritized user stories or tasks, is reviewed to understand the scope of work available for the upcoming iteration. This review helps the team gain clarity on the requirements and priorities set by the product owner.
  2. Refinement of Product Backlog: Any user stories or tasks that are unclear, ambiguous, or incomplete are refined or decomposed into smaller, more manageable units of work. This refinement ensures that the backlog items are well-defined and ready for implementation during the iteration.
  3. Estimation of Backlog Items: The team estimates the effort required to complete each backlog item, typically using techniques like story points or time-based estimates. This estimation helps the team gauge the size and complexity of the work and facilitates capacity planning for the iteration.
  4. Identification of Dependencies: Any dependencies between backlog items or tasks are identified to understand potential constraints or risks that may impact the team’s ability to complete the work. This identification allows the team to proactively address dependencies and plan accordingly during iteration planning.
  5. Assessment of Team Capacity: The team assesses its capacity and availability for the upcoming iteration, taking into account factors such as team member availability, holidays, vacations, and any other commitments. This assessment helps the team determine how much work they can commit to completing during the iteration.
  6. Alignment with Sprint Goals: The team ensures that the work planned for the iteration aligns with the overall goals and objectives set for the sprint. This alignment ensures that the team is focused on delivering value that contributes to the sprint goals and the project’s overall success.

By thoroughly preparing for iteration planning, Agile teams can ensure that they have a clear understanding of the work to be done, the resources available, and the goals to be achieved during the upcoming iteration. This preparation sets the stage for a productive and successful iteration planning session, enabling the team to create a well-defined plan that guides their work and drives progress towards project objectives.

Process of Iteration Planning

The process of iteration planning in Agile software development typically follows these steps:

Process of Iteration Planning

  • Preparation: The team prepares for the iteration planning meeting by reviewing the product backlog, refining user stories, estimating tasks, identifying dependencies, and assessing team capacity.
  • Iteration Planning Meeting: The team holds a collaborative meeting, usually lasting a few hours, to plan the work for the upcoming iteration. During this meeting, they:
    • Review Goals: The product owner or scrum master reviews the goals and objectives for the iteration, providing context for the planning session.
    • Review Backlog: The team reviews the prioritized items in the product backlog, discussing their requirements and acceptance criteria.
    • Select Backlog Items: Based on the team’s capacity and the sprint goals, the team collectively selects a subset of backlog items to work on during the iteration.
    • Break Down Tasks: The team breaks down selected backlog items into smaller, more manageable tasks, clarifying the specific steps needed to complete each one.
    • Estimate Effort: The team estimates the effort required to complete each task, using techniques like story points or time-based estimates.
    • Assign Tasks: Tasks are assigned to individual team members based on their skills, availability, and capacity, ensuring a balanced workload.
    • Define Sprint Goal: The team collaboratively defines a sprint goal, a concise statement of what they aim to achieve by the end of the iteration.
  • Update Plans and Tools: After the iteration planning meeting, the team updates project management tools, such as task boards or project tracking software, to reflect the planned work for the iteration.
  • Daily Standups: Throughout the iteration, the team holds daily standup meetings to discuss progress, share updates, and address any impediments or obstacles that arise.
  • Demo and Retrospective: At the end of the iteration, the team holds a demo to showcase the completed work to stakeholders and a retrospective to reflect on what went well, what could be improved, and any lessons learned for future iterations.

By following this iterative planning process, Agile teams can effectively plan, execute, and deliver value incrementally throughout the project, adapting to changing requirements and delivering high-quality software in a timely manner.

Attendees of Iteration Planning

The attendees of an iteration planning meeting typically include:

Attendees of Iteration Planning

  • Product Owner: Represents the stakeholders and provides insights into the business goals and priorities. The product owner is responsible for clarifying requirements, answering questions, and prioritizing the backlog.
  • Scrum Master: Facilitates the iteration planning meeting, ensuring that it stays focused and productive. The scrum master also helps remove any impediments or obstacles that may arise during planning.
  • Development Team: Comprised of the individuals responsible for completing the work during the iteration. This includes developers, testers, designers, and any other team members necessary to deliver the planned features.

Agenda of Iteration Planning

The agenda of an iteration planning meeting typically includes the following steps:

  1. Welcome and Introduction: The meeting begins with a brief welcome and introduction by the scrum master, setting the stage for the planning session and establishing a positive and collaborative atmosphere.
  2. Review of Sprint Goal: The product owner or scrum master reviews the sprint goal, a concise statement of what the team aims to achieve by the end of the iteration. This provides context for the planning session and ensures that the team remains focused on the overall objective.
  3. Review of Product Backlog: The team reviews the prioritized items in the product backlog, discussing their requirements, acceptance criteria, and any dependencies or constraints. This helps the team understand the scope of work available for the iteration and identify which backlog items to work on.
  4. Selection of Backlog Items: Based on the sprint goal and the team’s capacity, the team collectively selects a subset of backlog items to work on during the iteration. This involves discussing the relative priority of backlog items and considering their complexity and dependencies.
  5. Task Breakdown and Estimation: The team breaks down selected backlog items into smaller, more manageable tasks and estimates the effort required to complete each task. This helps the team understand the work involved and ensures that tasks are well-defined and achievable within the iteration.
  6. Assignment of Tasks: Tasks are assigned to individual team members based on their skills, availability, and capacity. This ensures a balanced workload and clarity around responsibilities.
  7. Definition of Done: The team reviews the definition of done, a set of criteria that must be met for a task to be considered complete. This ensures that the team delivers high-quality work that meets the agreed-upon standards and expectations.
  8. Confirmation and Commitment: The team confirms their commitment to completing the selected backlog items during the iteration. This involves ensuring that everyone understands their tasks and responsibilities and agrees to the plan.

Commitment to Iteration Goals

Commitment to iteration goals is a fundamental aspect of Agile software development, emphasizing the team’s dedication to achieving the objectives set for each iteration or sprint. Here’s how commitment to iteration goals is typically demonstrated within Agile teams:

  1. Understanding and Alignment: Before committing to iteration goals, team members ensure they have a clear understanding of the sprint goal and how it aligns with the overall project objectives. This alignment helps ensure that everyone is working towards the same outcome.
  2. Active Participation: Team members actively participate in the iteration planning meeting, providing input on backlog items, contributing to task breakdown and estimation, and voicing any concerns or dependencies that may impact the team’s ability to achieve the goals.
  3. Transparency: The team maintains transparency throughout the iteration, openly communicating progress, challenges, and any changes in scope or priorities. This transparency fosters trust within the team and with stakeholders, enabling effective collaboration and problem-solving.
  4. Ownership and Accountability: Each team member takes ownership of their assigned tasks and commits to completing them to the best of their ability within the iteration timeframe. This sense of accountability ensures that everyone is working towards the common goal and takes responsibility for their contributions to the team’s success.
  5. Adaptability: While commitment to iteration goals is essential, Agile teams also recognize the importance of adaptability and flexibility. If unforeseen challenges arise or new information emerges during the iteration, the team collaboratively adjusts their plans and priorities to stay aligned with the overarching goals.
  6. Continuous Improvement: Throughout the iteration, the team focuses on continuous improvement, seeking opportunities to refine their processes, address bottlenecks, and optimize their workflow. By reflecting on their progress and identifying areas for enhancement, the team enhances their ability to achieve future iteration goals more effectively.

Overall, commitment to iteration goals is a shared responsibility among all team members, emphasizing collaboration, transparency, and adaptability to ensure the successful delivery of value and achievement of project objectives in Agile software development.

Types of Iterations

Here are the following types of iterations:

  • Inception Iterations: In some of cases where the project includes a new product roll-out or simply the creation of new technology, iterations might be essential to further explain the scope of the project, risks, and all benefits. It might also involve a further increase in the quality of the use-case model, business case, risk list, architectural proof-of-concept, or even project and iteration plans. Extension of this inception phase can also be advised in some cases where both risk and required investment are high. It can also be advised where the problem domain is new or the team is not experienced. The early prototyping technique also integrates the foundation components of the architecture of the candidate and also provides an executable framework for explaining and simply elaborating the use cases of the system. To achieve an acceptable prototype, Large-scale, and custom developments are two iterations. But various projects should be able to get by use of only one. Inception iteration is generally responsible for establishing scope and vision and explaining and defining the business case.
  • Elaboration Iterations: In each of iteration, supporting environment is refined further. If the initial elaboration is only focused on the preparation of the environment for analysis design and implementation then the second iteration might focus on the preparation of the test environment. The preparation of the test environment includes configuring test processes, writing the development case part, and preparing or generating templates and guidelines that need to be followed for test and setting up test tools. Elaboration iteration also results in architecture with a complete framework and infrastructure for execution. To achieve an acceptable architecture baseline, some of the projects require two iterations. Some additional and extra iterations may be required by unprecedented architectures. On the other hand, projects that are developed on highly well-established architecture frameworks can be achieved by the use of a single iteration. During elaboration iteration, requirements are defined fully and architectures are well-established.
  • Construction Iterations: The essential result of late iteration in the construction phase is that more functionality is added, which yields an increasingly complete system. During construction iteration, use cases are generally realized and architectures are fleshed out. Some projects need and require two construction iterations. First is an alpha release that includes executable capability for each of the critical use cases. Second, is a beta release that provides 95 % of the total product capability breadth and also achieves some of the essential quality attributes that are needed and important.
  • Transition Iterations for migrating: Transition iteration is generally responsible for migrating products into the user community. Several projects use only one iteration to transition the beta release into the end product or final product. Even these projects learn to live with only one iteration between the beta release and the end product or final product release.

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Conclusion: Iteration Planning

In conclusion, iteration planning serves as a foundation in Agile software development, guiding teams through the process of defining, organizing, and committing to the work they will accomplish within a specific timeframe. Through collaborative efforts and careful consideration of priorities, dependencies, and capacity, teams create a roadmap that aligns with project goals and ensures incremental delivery of value to stakeholders. By fostering transparency, accountability, and adaptability, iteration planning enables teams to respond effectively to change, maximize productivity, and deliver high-quality software that meets customer needs.

Iteration Planning: FAQs

What is iteration process planning?

Iteration process planning is the methodical approach of deciding what work will be done in a specific timeframe in Agile software development, ensuring tasks are broken down, assigned, and aligned with project goals for effective execution.

What is iteration process planning?

Iteration process planning in Agile involves deciding what tasks to complete within a set timeframe, breaking them down, and aligning them with project goals to ensure effective execution and progress tracking.

Why do we use iteration?

Iterations allow Agile teams to break down work into manageable chunks, providing opportunities for feedback, adaptation, and incremental delivery of value, ultimately leading to faster and more flexible project outcomes.

What are the 5 steps of the iterative process?

The iterative process typically involves defining goals, planning, executing tasks, evaluating outcomes, and making adjustments based on feedback, allowing for continuous improvement and refinement of the project.

What is meant by iterative process?

An iterative process involves repeating a sequence of steps to achieve a desired outcome, with each cycle refining the work based on feedback and learning, fostering continuous improvement and adaptation.

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