Introduction to Cloud Mobility

Introduction :

Cloud mobility is related to balancing the resources and the costs between different cloud services which can be public or private cloud services. It is an emerging trend aimed at making workload migration across the platform easier. Mobility helps to accomplish the jobs and customer requirements in a cloud environment. It also assists cloud evolution, enhances the performance of operating applications by repositioning data to the intention host, consequently; reducing the communication consumption and solving the load balancing problems. An effective cloud mobility solution should enable the creation of policies to automatically transfer authorized data to a choice of private or public clouds. Data should remain encrypted in the cloud, and it should be easily and seamlessly recalled onsite as required or transferred to a different cloud as business demands change.

Example of Cloud Mobility :

Suppose a consumer organization has put its resources at cloud C1. As C1 is not providing good services to the organization, it decides to move to a different cloud service provider C2. Moving resources from C1 to C2 is a complex task. It may be due to the lack of tools and support. Here’s where cloud mobility comes in handy which makes it easier to move resources across different cloud services. Moreover, C1 and C2 can now work together as a distributed cloud environment which is even better.

Types of Cloud Mobility :

1. Weak Mobility –
It permits the code to migrate through the networks. In some cases, the code has initial data assigned but without execution states. In weak mobility, the codes migrate without their execution states. 

2. Strong Mobility –
It grants the code and execution state to start again at a new resource. This can save running time, processor, registers and program counters. 

Mobile Cloud Framework :

The central server can relocate workloads or resources or even applications from one server to another depending on the requirements of the new job.  To explain this procedure, let us assume that a new job is allocated to the cloud system and this job has certain requirements (application, data or hardware requirements) and these requirements are accessible only on some servers.  In this case, the central server can transfer one or more running jobs with its execution code (strong mobility) to other available servers that can fulfill their requirements. This process of moving has created a chance for the new job to be processed in the vacated server(s).

The mobility is done when a new job comes to the cloud system. The central server inspects if this job can be operated on one of the available servers. When the central server comes to the conclusion that no available server has the essential requirements to fulfill the new job, it asks the mobility server to find the busy servers that can process the new job and the availability to transfer any of the running jobs from those servers. If the mobility server manages to relocate one of the running jobs, the new job can be processed in the vacated server.


Benefits :

  1. Increases the simplicity of business –
    Since there is no cost involved in the movement of data from one cloud service to others, cloud mobility becomes a viable option. Moreover, not only resources can be shared, even workloads can be synced which makes it even more efficient.
  2. Increases cloud efficiency –
    Here, we have a centralized server connected to different cloud services. This server is responsible for deciding which cloud is ideal for sharing the workload. So, the best efficient use of resources is made to improve the overall cloud efficiency.
  3. Helps in easy recovery from disasters –
    If one of the cloud crashes in times of a failure, the data can be easily shifted to the centralized server and then to a different working cloud hence increasing the chances of data recoverability.
  4. Rapid Deployment –
    Since it is a distributed cloud-based system, it facilitates faster deployment of the application as the resources are shared.
  5. Flexibility Management –
    Different cloud services can be managed by different users based on our own preferences. Which makes it an ideal choice for different organizations.

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