Interview experience at Coforge Technologies

I applied for an intern role at Coforge Technologies and was thrilled to receive an invitation to participate in a virtual interview. The interview was scheduled to take place over Zoom and was divided into two parts: a technical interview and a behavioral interview.I spent the days leading up to the interview preparing as much as I could. I researched common coding questions and practiced my problem-solving skills. I also reviewed the job description and thought about how my past experiences related to the role I was applying for.

On the day of interview:

When the day of the interview arrived, I was nervous but excited. I logged into Zoom and waited for the interview to begin.

Technical & Coding interview:

The first part of the interview was the technical interview. I was greeted by a friendly interviewer who explained the format of the interview and asked me to share my screen so that I could write code on a shared whiteboard.

The interviewer started by asking me a few basic coding questions to get a sense of my skill level. Then, we moved on to more challenging questions that tested my knowledge of algorithms and data structures. I was asked to write code to solve problems such as finding the shortest path between two nodes in a graph and sorting an array of integers in ascending order The interviewer was patient and helpful throughout the interview. Whenever I got stuck, he offered hints and suggestions to help me get back on track. I felt comfortable asking questions when I needed clarification and was able to complete most of the coding challenges within the allotted time.

After the technical interview was over, I took a short break to collect my thoughts and prepare for the behavioral interview. The behavioral interview focused on my past experiences and how they related to the role I was applying for.

Projectan Details:

The interviewer asked me to describe a time when I worked on a project with a team, and how I handled a difficult situation. I was also asked about my strengths and weaknesses, and how I would approach certain scenarios. The interviewer was friendly and engaging, and I felt that he was genuinely interested in getting to know me as a person.

Overall Experience:

Overall, the interview experience was challenging but rewarding. I felt that the interviewers were professional and knowledgeable, and I appreciated the opportunity to showcase my skills and interests. I learned a lot from the experience and felt that it was a great opportunity to grow both personally and professionally.

After the interview was over, I sent a thank-you note to the interviewers and waited anxiously for a response. A few days later, I received an email from Coforge Technologies offering me an internship. I was thrilled.

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