Coforge Interview Experience for SDE – I

I embarked on the journey to secure a software engineer position at CoForge for the upcoming summer of 2024. Having received a positive outcome, I’m eager to share my interview experience, which I believe will offer valuable insights for those preparing for similar opportunities.

Interview Stages

  • Technical Round (Round 1): The first hurdle was a technical assessment, where I tackled two questions on Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA). These questions ranged from easy to moderate difficulty, and I managed to solve them successfully. The first question was reverse order traversal of Binary Tree and the Second was Morris traversal of Tree.
  • HR Round (Round 2): The subsequent HR round delved into my values and their congruence with CoForge’s ethos. Discussions revolved around my vision of an ideal job and the extent to which this role aligned with that vision. My willingness to dedicate time on weekends, if necessary, was also explored, and my affirmative response was well-received by the interviewer.

Outcome and Reflections

A mere five days post-interview, I was greeted with the delightful news of my selection via email.

Insights for Future Candidates

For those aspiring to join CoForge, it’s crucial to reflect on your professional ideals and how they match the company’s culture. Demonstrating flexibility and a commitment to project demands, even beyond regular working hours, can resonate positively with interviewers.

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