Intel Interview Experience For GPU SDE Internship (Off-Campus)


Company Name: Intel

Position: GPU SDE Intern

Location: Remote

Date of Interview: 25th February, 2023.

Candidate Profile:

  • College: Top Tier NIT
  • Course: MTech in Computer Engineering with Specialization in Cyber Security
  • Applied through Referral

Preparation Time: 6 Months

Resources Used: Beginner for Beginner, Interview Bit for OS Interview Questions, Hacker Rank


  1. Resume Shortlisting
  2. Only One Technical Interview (No HR)

Technical Interview Rounds:

Duration: 2 Hours

Questions: DSA, OS, C, C++

Difficulty Level: Easy- Medium

My Performance: 70% questions I was able to solve.

Specific Questions:


  1. Add two Polynomials Via Linked List
  2. Reverse a String
  3. Write a Singly Linked List Program from Scratch in an Online IDE


  1. Pointers related questions
  2. Definitions of Various Keywords like Struct, Union, Enum and their Uses


All Basic questions like Scheduling Algorithms, deadlock conditions, semaphores etc.

Verdict: Selected

Feedback: Be thorough with your Resume and also study a bit about the Role you applied for.

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