Intel Interview Experience for Graduate Intern (On-Campus)

So out of around 35 students, they shortlist only 6 students, and out of 6, one got placed at Infineon. so there are only 5 students for the interview (I was one of them). 

Round – 1:- It was a 1.5hr interview.

First, the Interviewer asks me to introduce myself. then they asked questions related to my research publication. questions like “you have published an implementation paper or review paper ??” to which I answered “Review Paper”. Since my publication is on big data security, they ask some questions about security. it 

  • What is SQL Injection?  
  • What is Buffer overflow?
  • How to prevent our system from these types of attacks?

After that, my interview was divided into 3 phases: MTech project, Operating System, and Coding 

1. MTech Project .(15-20 min )

My Project was a C++ Bus passenger ticket system that checks the availability of seats. if the seat is occupied then it will not give the seat to the user and vice versa. (PRETTY OLD) what Data Structure have you used in your project? To which I replied: Array and Linked List. any Better Data Structure you can use instead of an array and linked list? To which I replied: Yes, We can use hashing in our program.why do you want to use hashing? To which I replied: To Achieve O(1) Time Complexity. Can we achieve that Complexity using a Database? To which I replied: NO

2. Operating systems (40-45 min)

It was a long portion. they asked every single concept from process Scheduling to memory management. The following questions were asked :

  • What are Process Scheduling and different scheduling techniques?
  • What is Round Robin Scheduling?
  • What is Time Slice (Time Quantum)?
  • What factor do we take in mind to decide what will be the time quantum size? To which I answer: Time Quantum < Largest Burst time size because if TQ>Largest BT then Round Robin becomes FIFO scheduling.
  • What is Semaphore?
  • Difference between semaphore and mutex?
  • What are interrupts and their types?
  • What is Deadlock?
  • How Paging Works ??
  • Difference Between Paging and Segmentation ??

3. Coding (25-30 min)

The coding part was easy. interviewers are so supportive they support me every time I got stuck in a situation. They also gave me little hints to solve the problem. The following coding question were asked :


struct Node {
  int data ;
  Node *next;

What if we remove “*” from “Node *next” from the above code? Will the compiler throw any errors? To which I replied: Yes. 

What will be the size of the above structure?

Round 2: There was no round 2.

Result: Intel Selected 2 Students and yes, I was one of them.

I would like to thank @w3wiki for helping me to crack the intel interview. 


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