Install a Specific Version of Software Package using Chocolatey via CMD

Chocolatey is a packet manager for Windows that helps to install, update and manage software packages from the Command Line Interface (CLI). It provides a simple way to manage software on Windows, making it a helpful and useful tool for everyone.

For installation of a specific version of a software package using Chocolatey on the Command Prompt you can use the “–version” flag followed by the desired version number.

Step 1: Opening the Command Prompt on Windows

Click on the Search Menu on the Windows taskbar.

Step 2: CMD in the search bar

Type “cmd” in the search bar, the Command Prompt (CMD) will be displayed on the Search Menu.

Step 3: Open Command Prompt as administrator

Click on the run as administrator tab and open the Command Prompt (CMD) along with administrative power.

Step 4: Installation

Run the following code in the Command Prompt to install the package:

choco install <package-name> --version <version-number>

You have to replace “<package-name> with the name of the software package you want to install and replace “<version-number>” with the desired version you want to install and use.


For installing Node.js version 14.17.0 , we will run the following command:

choco install nodejs --version 14.17.0

Here “<package-name>” is replaced by “node.js” and “<version-number>” is replaced by “14.17.0”.

Important note:

Not all versions of the software package might be available through chocolatey for use. To check the available versions you can run the following code:

choco search <package-name> --exact --verbose

You have to replace “<package-name>” according to the software package you want to install and use.

This will give all the available software packages versions available through chocolatey. (Nodejs versions from the example case)

Install a Specific Version of Software Package using Chocolatey via CMD – FAQs

How to install chocolatey on Windows?

Chocolatey can be installed by running this command in the Command Prompt `@”%SystemRoot%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe” -NoProfile -InputFormat None -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command “iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(‘’))” && SET “PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin”` or Install chocolatey on Windows Computer.

How to uninstall a software package using Chocolatey?

Uninstallation of software package can be done by running this command in the Command Prompt `choco uninstall package_name` replacing “package_name” with the name of the package.

How to check specific version of a software package installed using Chocolatey?

You can check specific version of a software package installed by running this command in the Command Prompt `choco list –local-only package_name` where “package_name” will be replaced by the name of the package.

How to check available online versions of a software package that can be installed using Chocolatey?

You can do this by running `choco search package_name –exact` in the Command Prompt, where “package_name” will be replaced by the name of the package you want to check.

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