Infosys Certification Exam Process

Hello everyone, recently I have completed my 3 months of Infosys virtual training from May 10, 2021, to August 10, 2021. I have been selected for the role of Operational Executives.

My training subjects were:

  • Database Management System
  • Fundamentals of Java
  • Advanced Java
  • Springboot framework
  • Html,CSS, Bootstrap
  • Angular

There are 4 FAs (Focal Areas) conducted immediately after completion of a particular topic. The training was very strict as you will be all-time under the supervision of invigilators. They will check your surroundings before the beginning of the exam and you are not allowed to use any headphones and they might ask you to change your location if the invigilator is not satisfied. You must achieve a minimum of 50% in each FA and the aggregate percentage should be above 60%.

FA Test Criteria:

  • Objective paper ->40% marks
  • Hands-on paper ->60% marks

Tips to crack Focal Areas easily:

  • Complete all assignments provided to you on the same day.
  • Attempt every quiz and complete all self-assessments at the end of the topics. Most of the objective questions are similar to self-assessments.
  • Provide more focus on Capstone projects as 90% of Hands-on exam is similar to capstone projects.
  • Study all the concepts profoundly as your FA4 is based on the concepts from FA1, FA2, FA3.
  • Give your 100% to your Mock exam as this will give you an idea of the level of your exam.

Tips to gain more marks:

  • Make sure you will not have any compile-time errors as this may deduct your marks.
  • You will be allotted 2 hours and 15minutes to complete your Hands-on exam but try to complete it within 2 hours as the last 15minutes are for submission of your code.
  • Keep your code back up every 20minutes because due to virtual training your Virtual Machines may get hanged and your last backup will be considered for submission.
  • In case if you face any power cut issue or any other network problem, immediately report to your invigilator.

Certificates: Infosys provides you the facility to get a free certification of any number of languages or courses you want by taking the certification exam. Moreover, during your training, you are to complete Business Communication English Programme course with a minimum of 70% marks. By clearing it you will get a free certification of it which costs Rs XXXXX for any non-Infoscion.

In the end, All I can reveal is that thoroughly enjoy your training as Infosys provides top-notch training to their trainees. In 3 months, you will undoubtedly acquire the concepts that you havn’t gained during your graduation and will definitely boost your confidence.

Infosys certification exam link :

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