Infosys Certification Exam | InfyTQ

About the Exam

My Experience

Round 1: Online Round

Question 1:
  1. The substring must be the longest one of all the possible substring in the given string.
  2. There must not be any repeating characters in the substring.
  3. If there is more than one substring satisfying the above two conditions, then print the substring which occurs first.
  4. Length of the substring must be minimum 3.
Question 2:
    1. The ith  integer must satisfy the given equation in the sequence


    2. The length of the sequence must be maximum possible
    3. If there is more than one sequence satisfying above two conditions then print that sequence which contains least integers. In case there is no combination of integers possible then print -1. See the example below:

Round 2: HR Interview Round

  1. Tell me about your projects: I had mentioned some projects in the resume so he asked me about what have you done in the projects, not in detail only the overview.
  2. Tell me about your content writing: I had mentioned about my Technical Content Writing at w3wiki in my resume, I gave him an overview of that.
  3. On what topics have you been writing?: I mentioned topics like Data Science and Machine Learning, Mathematics, Statistics, etc.
  4. What have you written in Statistics?: Absolute frequency and Relative frequency, Stem and Leaf plot I mentioned.
  5. Tell me what is absolute frequency and relative frequency: I explained to him both the topics.
  6. Give a real-life scenario where we can use absolute frequency and relative frequency: I gave a real-life scenario.
  7. Will you work if I changed your field of work? Like if we give you the work in cybersecurity or computer networking or anything else.
  8. Next question was What is your job location preference?: I said to him I don’t have any preference, I am ready to work from anywhere.
  9. Do you have any question?: I asked him when will I know the result of this interview whether I am selected or not? Then he explained, there will be more rounds conducted for a higher salaried profile like Senior System Engineer and Power Programmer profile. If you clear those rounds then you will be offered higher compensation for that profile.


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