InfoEdge Interview Experience | OnCampus-2019

Round 1: 

The first round comprising 35 MCQ questions including aptitude, logical, C and C++ output questions and technical portions (Test Duration: 40 minutes). They further divided 40 minutes into two, one for quantitative and other for technical.

Quantitative aptitude and Logical part was not that much tough, the questions were typical paper pen/formula based. The Questions were simple just as like in  Indiabix. So one can easily clear this level. The only thing matter is speed.

The C and C++ output questions were easy but the code snippet was lengthy hence this section required proper time and attention. One should have a basic idea of some standard code like there were the code of Insertion Sort and it gave four options. So it should not consume your much time.

Selection: Around 150 students appeared in this round and they selected 24 for next round. 

Round 2: (Technical Interview Round-1)

They were looking for a candidate who has a good grasp in Data Structure and Algorithm. They asked me a couple of code and asked to write full code as well.

First question was from the singly linked list. He gave me a singly linked list and asked me to check whether it’s palindrome or not. I started with brute force approach. And gave him solution with complexities  O(n^2), O(n log n) , O(n).

Second question he asked was from the tree. He asked me to find a common node for the given two nodes. It was easy but took me some time.

One simple question he asked me you can say as a bonus. He gave some numbers and asked to insert it into a B-Tree.

Tip:  Keep trying for a better approach until they  stop you. Because sometime they check your capability that you try it or not. Interviewer will give you time for think so don’t panic or stress. Use your mind, drink water if he offers and try it. Go through standard coding questions to crack this round. If your concepts are clear, then you can easily rock this round.

Selection: After this round they called around 12 students for next round.

Round 3: (Technical Interview Round-2)

In this round they were checking candidate’s problem-solving skills. So they had a bunch of selected puzzles and from there they were asking questions.

The interviewer asked me two puzzles. I never saw those questions, so I was not sure about the answer but I tried. And somehow he was satisfied with my approach.

Tip: This type questions don’t have exact answers, so they basically focus on your approach and our thinking ability. So, whatever ideas you click explain it. They will also trick you to check if you are confident about your answer. Go through all puzzles available in w3wiki it will definitely help you.

Selection: At last they selected 6 students for HR round.

Round 4: (HR Round)

This was the final round. Interviewer was friendly and easy. He asked me basic questions like how was the experience of interview, about my family and some questions regarding relocation. This round was like a formality because they didn’t ask us what they usually ask in a HR round.

Tip: Be yourself, be confident. No extra practice requires for cracking this round.

Selection: They selected all 6 candidates. I was also one of them ? .


NOTE: No questions regarding projects and previous works. They only focus on Data Structure and Algorithm. And also problem-solving skills. They only want that one should have the learning capability.

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