InfoEdge Interview Experience (On-Campus 2019)

Infoedge visited our campus (BIT MESRA) for full-time employees for its Noida office. All the rounds were held on campus.

Round 1: 

This was the elimination round. There were 40 MCQs that had to be solved in 45 minutes. First, there were 15 Aptitude/Quant based problems to be solved in 20 minutes, and then there were 25 questions related to C/C++ input outputs as well as pointer-based concepts for which there were 25 minutes. You had to be quick in order to answer all the questions. The platform for the test was Infoedge’s own ( If you have practiced enough of BeginnerQuiz on GFG, this round would be a cakewalk. Finally, 15 were shortlisted after this round.

Round 2 (Tech interview 1):

This was a F2F technical interview. My interviewer was a Software Architect at Infoedge. He was a very friendly person.  The interview kicked off with him asking me to introduce myself. He then asked me what all tech stacks I have worked with, and whether I was comfortable with data structures and algorithms or not.

I was given a simple question to solve: I first gave him a hashing based approach, he asked to optimize the space, so I gave him a solution based on the sum of numbers from 1 to n. He was satisfied and then moved on to the next question.

Since I had mentioned Database in my resume, he asked to design a database for searching the salaries of employees within a given range. Initially, I gave him a BST based approach, then we had a discussion on the pros and cons and I moved to an AVL tree-based approach and finally to a B+ Tree approach. He asked for some other approach, so I discussed hashing using chaining with him.

He then asked me another coding question: He asked me to directly give an optimized solution, so I gave him the sorting and two pointer-based O (n^2) approach. He was happy with it.

Next up was a puzzle: I knew the approach so I gave him the solution and explained why it was correct.

Then he moved on to the last question, which was to design a chatbot to answer structured as well as unstructured queries (similar to one at since I had mentioned projects based on ML and DL in my resume. He just wanted to hear how I would proceed towards completing the NLP task. After a brief discussion on things like RNN, stop words, stemming, word embeddings, and similarity scores, he told me that he was the head of that project at when it was deployed.

Finally, he asked me if I had any questions, and I asked him 2-3 questions about Infoedge and its verticals. 7 students were selected for the next round.

Round 3 (Tech Interview 2):

This round was shorter than the first round. The interviewer was a Senior Software Architect. While I introduced myself, he scanned my resume.

The first set of questions were based on deep learning and it was a rapid-fire round, which I thoroughly enjoyed. He would pick one word from every sentence of mine and ask me a question based on it.  I was asked 6-7 questions. Some of them were:

  1. Explain your project on Diabetic Retinopathy Detection.
  2. Why CNN
  3. How is CNN different from RNN
  4. Explain Convolution filter
  5. Max pool vs Average pool
  6. What is a feedback mechanism in the context of RNN
  7. Explain Resnets
  8. What is Adam Optimizer?

Next, he asked me three coding questions and he made me write the codes for the first two. The questions were:

  1. I solved it using a multiset instead of a priority queue. He asked me the difference between the two and the different areas of application.
  2. A mixture of and He asked me questions on BFS and how a queue operates (queue implementation).
  3. For this question, he only wanted to hear my instant approach, and I told him an approach based on DFS. He asked me the time-complexity and said he was done with the questions.

Finally, it was my turn to ask questions, and the interviewer answered them gladly. 6 were selected for the next round out of which 1 had another tech round while the rest of us had an HR round.

Round 4 (HR interview): 

This was an informal conversation with the HR guy who was super cool and talked with us like friends. He asked me what all I loved and what all I had done in the past 3 years. I told him about my associations with IEEE BIT MESRA and the music club, and he asked me what all instruments I played. Next, he asked me what kind of novels I liked reading, and we had a brief conversation about Amish Tripathi novels. He asked me if BIT MESRA was my option or my only choice. He then asked me why I chose CSE over other branches in other colleges. The next question was why I was interested in working with InfoEdge. The interview thus concluded.

Finally, all 6 of us were selected for an FTE role at the post of SDE-1. I would like to thank GFG, Interviewbit and Leetcode, as well as Algoexpert for providing such good study and practice materials for interview preparation.

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