Influenza or Common Cold

Common flu is also known as Influenza. It is a respiratory disease caused by the influenza virus. Flu is a respiratory infection of the respiratory tract i.e., nose, throat, and lungs. Flu symptoms involve fever and headache. People having the flu are at high risk of getting serious complications if they are already suffering from prior health conditions. 

What is Flu?

Flu is a respiratory illness, caused by the influenza virus. The virus of influenza is different from the virus which causes stomach flu. Most people recover from the flu on their own. But in rare cases, influenza turns out to be deadly. It is more common in the winter season.

Causes of Flu

Common flu, which is known as influenza. Flu occurred due to the influenza virus. People mostly infect by the common influenza virus i.e., Influenza A, B, and C. A and B are seasonal viruses, normally people get infected by these two during winter. A and B do more harm to a person than C; it is not a seasonal virus, and their cases are less than A and B.

 Normally, people get infected because of the following reasons:

  1. The easiest way through which a virus travels to your lungs are-coming in contact or sneezing, or coughing from an infected individual.
  2. These are the most common ways to get infected by the virus, i.e., by touching any contaminated surface followed by touching your face, nose, eyes, or mouth.

Swine flu and bird flu are the types of Influenza virus A.

Symptoms of Flu


Initially, a person may suffer the common cold symptoms i.e, runny nose, sneezing, and sore throat. Cold symptoms take more time to develop in a person than flu. Flu develops in faster ways, and though a cold can be miserable at times, flu is way worse than a cold.

Common Symptoms are:

  • Fever, chills
  • Muscle pain, headache
  • Problems in breathing
  • Sore throat, continuous cough
  • Eye Pain
  • Runny nose or congestion
  • Weakness
  • Vomiting and Diarrhea (normally seen in children)

Warning Signs

Most people infected with the influenza virus can treat themselves via home remedies. 

For Adults:

  1. Heavy breathing or difficulty in breathing.
  2. Chest Pain
  3. Seizures
  4. Effect on preexisting medical conditions.
  5. Severe body ache
  6. Ongoing dizziness

For Children:

  1. Difficulty in breathing
  2. Chest pain
  3. Dehydration
  4. Seizures
  5. Severe body ache
  6. Grey, pale, or blue-colored skin, nails, or lips. Color depends on the skin of the patient.

Preventions of Flu


  • Immunity from the vaccination. Yearly vaccination is suggested to stay immunized. 
  • Maintaining a distance from sick people.
  • Washing your hands timely and properly.
  • Maintaining good respiratory hygiene.
  • Those who are suffering from any mild or severe symptoms of the flu are recommended to quarantine themselves.
  • Avoid touching your face.

Treatment of Flu


  • Taking anti-fever medicines available in the market.
  • Taking more liquid diet-Like soups, and juices to avoid dehydration.
  • Do gargles 3–4 times a day. 
  • Patients are advised to take a steam in order to get relief from congestion.
  • Proper care and a strict diet can help you in normalizing the condition and get you recovered within one week.
  • Proper rest.

Home Remedies

  1. Turmeric Milk
  2. Herbal Tea
  3. Ginger Honey paste
  4. Honey and black pepper paste.
  5. Zinc intake
  6. Taking an adequate amount of rest.

Please Note: These measures and Symptoms may vary and are just to provide educational information about the disease and are not standard practices. We advise you to consult a healthcare professional, before trying anything at home.

Difference between Cold and Flu

Both the cold and flu are respiratory, contagious diseases. But flu is caused by the influenza virus and cold is caused by various viruses like- rhinoviruses, parainfluenza, etc. Both cold and flu share some similar symptoms and that’s making it difficult to distinguish whether it’s cold or flu. Flu shows more severe symptoms than cold, cold shows mild symptoms.



Mild Symptoms Severe Symptoms
Runny nose or stuffy nose Fever, aches, chills

FAQs on Flu

Question 1: How long does the flu last?


Commonly people recovered from flu in 4-7 days. Cough and tiredness may remain for weeks.

Question 2: What is common flu?


Common flu is a respiratory disease occurred because of the influenza virus.

Question 3: What causes Flu?


The influenza virus caused the common flu, Mostly if transferred from an infected person to a healthy person via air droplets of the infected person during coughing, and sneezing.

Question 4: What are the symptoms of influenza?


Symptoms of common flu are:

  1. Fever and chills
  2. Bodyache
  3. Cough and sore throat
  4. Eye pain

Question 5: Is influenza a viral disease?


Yes, common flu or influenza is a viral disease caused by the influenza virus which affects the respiratory system of humans.

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