Infineon Technologies Interview Experience (On – Campus) 2024

This Hiring was for an 1 11-month internship + Full time (converted based on internship performance).

Round 1: Online Test

The initial phase of the interview process at Infineon Technologies commenced with an online test aimed at evaluating candidates’ proficiency in hardware or software aspects of embedded systems. Presented with a choice between hardware and software sections, candidates, including myself, opted for the latter.

The software section encompassed a comprehensive array of multiple-choice questions spanning various topics crucial to embedded software development, including:

Aptitude assessment, Embedded C , PythonML, C#, C++, Object-Oriented Programming

Out of a pool of approximately 95 candidates, around 50 were selected to advance to the subsequent stage.

Round 2: Interview Rounds

Candidates who progressed to the second round were provided with the opportunity to select their preferred role from three options: signal processing, embedded hardware, and embedded software. Opting for the embedded software role, I embarked on a series of interviews tailored to evaluate my suitability for the position.

The interview process for the embedded software role unfolded across multiple rounds, each designed to probe deeper into my technical acumen and project experience. The initial round primarily focused on assessing my proficiency in C and Embedded C, serving as a precursor to more in-depth discussions on core subjects and project work.

Conversely, candidates vying for embedded hardware roles underwent a distinct evaluation process. Their interviews delved into the fundamentals of hardware components and encompassed a comprehensive exploration of relevant subjects spanning over two years of study.

Round 3: HR

Was a short HR round regarding details about oneself.

Final Results: 4 (3 for embedded hardware + 1 for embedded software) were selected for 11M+FT.

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