Infineon Technologies Interview Experience for Software Developer (On-Campus)

Infineon Technologies visited Lovely Professional University in April 2023 for interns. I have applied for the software role. The selection process was around 3 days long and consisted of 1 Online round + 4 rounds of technical interviews + 1 HR round

Before the start of the whole assessment, there was an initial CV shortlisting round after which around 500 candidates were allowed to go for the further rounds.

Round 1 (Online Assessment) – Day 1 was all about the online test which was conducted on the GeeekAssess Platform. There were 100 – 110 questions and the time which was given was 120 minutes. The questions were spread in different domains of the fundamentals of computer science. They are OOPS, C, C++, Java, Digital Electronics, Web Development, Machine Learning, Operation Systems, DBMS, and Computer Networks.

Also, each section has there own time limit. The questions were on the medium-hard side.

Advice: Go with GATE-level questions and practice coding-output questions. Also, there is no negative marking in this assignment, so try to answer all the questions.

Around 1/3rd the students got a call for the interview process. All the further interviews were held onme the Webex platform.

Round 2 (Technical Interview 1) – Day 2 – It started with a brief introduction followed by some technical questions. Some of the questions were –

  • What is dynamic memory allocation? Difference between malloc and calloc .
  • I was asked to code and implement free inbuilt functions in c language.
  • Some questions were asked about memory management and storage allocation techniques in C.

After that, they jumped on to the resume discussion and asked me about my projects. Some of the questions were :

  • What problem is your project solving for the real world?
  • What are the problems you faced while working on it and how did you resolve them?

Round 3 (Technical Interview 2) – Day 2 – It started with a brief discussion over the on to the code it online compiler.

  • Implement a linkedList and different ways to find a loop in a linked LinkedList
  • Some bit manipulation Questions
  • Merge two sorted lists (Only disscussed algo to do it)

After that they jumped on to computer Networks and asked about the OSI model and how a browser work behind the scenes.

Round 4 (Technical Interview 3) – Day 2 – It was a puzzle round and asked 4 puzzles . They were tricky and interviewer were explained multiple times to avoid any kind of confusion. The questions were similar of the following

Round 5 (Technical Interview 4) – Day 2 – This again started with brief intro and then he asked questions from OS. Some of the topics from where the questions were –

  • Process Scheduling Algos
  • Process States
  • Deadlock managment and recovery
  • Deadlock prevention techniques
  • Semaphores
  • Memory managment

That same day I got a mail regarding HR interview and was Scheduled within a week.

Round 6 (HR Interview) Day 3 – It was a 30 mins disscussion round where similar HR questions were asked.

  • Brief Introduction
  • What do you know about company ?
  • Explain projects and the difficulties faced
  • Some situational based questions

After that I received a mail stating that I was selected ! Wohoo 2 other students with me were also selected in this process.

Some takeways of this experience are :

  • Understand the question well before answering to it.
  • If you are stuck at some point while answering , don’t hesitate to ask for help.
  •  Always try to explain your thought process during you are figuring out the answer. Don’t sit still and silent.
  • Focus on core fundamental subjects of CS as well
  • Most importantly keep a smile on your face while answering . Just chill !! ?

All the best ! Hope this experience helped you . Byee

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