Indian Agriculture after the Green Revolution

Green Revolution has led to a tremendous increase in the productivity of crops which was because of certain measures which were adopted there as an increase in the area under cultivation, double cropping, which would include the planting of two crops, adoption of certain HYV sees, and high use of inorganic fertilizers and pesticides.

Green Revolution is really the method involved with expanding horticultural creation by utilizing current machines and procedures. It was a logical exploration-based innovation drive performed between 1950 and the last part of the 1960s, that expanded horticultural creation around the world, especially in the creating scene, starting most notably in the last part of the 1960s. It utilized HYV seeds, expanded utilization of compost, and more specialized strategies for the water systems to build the creation of food grains. In India, Green Revolution started in the mid-1960s that prompted an expansion in food grain creation, particularly in Punjab, Haryana, and Uttar Pradesh. Significant achievements in this endeavor were the improvement of high-yielding assortments of wheat. The Green transformation is progressive in character because of the presentation of new innovations, groundbreaking thoughts, and the new utilization of data sources like HYV seeds, composts, water system water, pesticides, and so forth. As every one of these was brought out of nowhere and spread rapidly to achieve emotional outcomes in this manner it is named unrest in green farming.

Changes in Indian agriculture After Green Revolution

Certain changes in Indian agriculture were observed after the Green Revolution, some of which are mentioned below:

Indian Agriculture After Green Revolution

Increase in Production and Productivity

HYVP was limited to just five harvests – Wheat, Rice, Jowar, Bajra, and Maize. In this way, non-food grains were prohibited from the ambit of the new system. Wheat has stayed the backbone of the Green Revolution throughout the long term. Because of the new seeds, a huge number of additional lots of grain a year are being gathered.

The Green Revolution brought about a record grain result of 131 million tons in 1978/79. This laid out India as one of the world’s greatest farming makers. Yield per unit of farmland worked on by over 30% between 1947 (when India acquired political autonomy) and 1979. The harvest region under high-yielding assortments of wheat and rice developed impressively during the Green Revolution. The Green Revolution additionally made a lot of positions for farming specialists as well as modern laborers by making related offices, for example, plants and hydroelectric power stations.

Deceleration in Agricultural Growth Rates in the Reform Period

After enlisting great execution during the 1980s, horticultural development decelerated in the financial change period (starting in 1991). As is clear, the pace of development of the creation of food grains tumbled from 2.9 percent per annum in the 1980s to 2.0 percent per annum in the 1990s and remained at 2.1 percent per annum in the first ten years of the current hundred years. The period beginning around 1991, in this manner, arises as a sort of watershed when development in Indian horticulture, resurgent from the center 1960s, was captured.

Reasons for Deceleration in Agricultural Growth 

The principal explanations behind the deceleration in horticultural development in the post-change period have been: HYVP was started on a little area of 1.89 million hectares in 1966-67 and, surprisingly, in 1998-99 it covered just 78.4 million hectares which are just around 40% of the gross trimmed region. Normally, the advantages of the new innovation stayed moved in this space as it were. Besides, since Green Revolution stayed restricted to wheat for various years, its advantages generally gathered to regions developing wheat.

Relational Inequalities

There is by all accounts an overall agreement that in the early time of the green unrest, huge ranchers helped considerably more from new innovation as contrasted and the little and peripheral ranchers. This was not unforeseen as the new innovation called for significant ventures which were by and large past the method for a greater part of the nation’s little and peripheral ranchers. Bigger ranchers have kept on making more prominent outright gains in pay on account of lower costs per section of land and by reinvesting profit in non-endlessly ranch resources, including the acquisition of land from the more modest cultivators who couldn’t make the progress to the new innovation.

Change in Attitudes

A sound commitment to green transformation is the adjustment of the perspectives of ranchers in regions where the new farming procedure was drilled. Expansion in efficiency here has upgraded the situation with horticulture from a low-level means of movement to a lucrative action. The Indian rancher has shown his eagerness to acknowledge specialized change chasing after benefit consequently invalidating the age-long analysis against him that he is in reverse, conventional, and lethargic to the cost and efficiency impetuses.

Factual Results

A record grain yield in 1978-79 of around 131 million tons happened because of the Green Revolution. Consequently, it made India one of the world’s greatest farming makers. In India Green Revolution recorded an elevated degree of progress. India additionally turned into an exporter of food grains around that time.

Monetary Results

Crop regions under this venture required more water, more manures, more pesticides, and certain different synthetic compounds. This expanded the development of the nearby assembling area. Expanded modern development made new positions and added to the nation’s GDP. The expansion in the water system made the requirement for new dams to outfit stormwater. The put-away water was utilized to make hydroelectric power. The entirety of this brought about modern development, made positions, and worked on the personal satisfaction of individuals in towns.

Humanistic Results

This new innovation utilized successive use of water, composts, bug sprays, bigger volumes of transportation, power, and so forth. The rural laborers as well as modern specialists landed a lot of positions in light of the production of offices like processing plants, hydroelectric power stations, and so on to back up the transformation.

Political Results

Quite possibly the main component that made Mrs. Indira Gandhi (1917-1984) and her party the Indian National Congress, an extremely strong political power in India the Green Revolution. India changed itself from a destitute country to an exporter of food. This gave India profound respect and appreciation from everywhere in the world, particularly from the Third World country.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q 1. What was the performance of Indian agriculture after the first Green Revolution?


The performance of Indian agriculture after the Green Revolution there was an increase in agricultural production, in areas of Haryana, Punjab, and Uttar Pradesh. There was the use of high-yielding seeds, especially of wheat.

Q 2. What happened after the green revolution in India?


After the green revolution in India, there was a tremendous increase in the production of food grains because of the introduction into developing countries of HYV or High Yielding Seeds.

Q 3. Has the Green Revolution changed agriculture in India?


The green revolution has changed Indian agriculture in many ways. By consolidation of lands, by mechanization, by the provision of agriculture credit.

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