Types of Agriculture in India

Introduction of Agriculture: Agriculture is one of the primary activities which is being carried out by most of the rural population in India. Agriculture demonstrates a great preference as well as importance over the country as the whole country is dependent on agriculture and agricultural activities. In this article, we will discuss different types of agriculture in India and people practice around the globe.

Table of Content

  • What is Agriculture?
  • Types of Agriculture
  • Subsistence Farming
  • Planting Agriculture
  • Industrial Agriculture 
  • Terrace Agriculture 
  • Dry Agriculture

Types of Agriculture

What is Agriculture?

Agriculture plays a very important role in increasing the overall revenue of the country. Many new farming techniques have been used by farmers for enhancing their incomes. Agriculture can be broadly classified into the following:

Types of Farming
Shifting Cultivation It is concerned with the rotation of crops.
Subsistence Farming Subsistence farming refers to the practice which involves raising livestock or growing crops only for self and not for commercial purposes.
Pastoralism Pastoralism is related to animal herding.
Intensive Farming In intensive farming, the focus is primarily on increasing the inputs and also the resultant output per unit in the case of agriculture.

Types of Agriculture

Agriculture in India is classified into many categories on the basis of many factors. The type of crop which is planted in the fields serves as foundational for these types of categorization. The types of agriculture as mentioned below:

Subsistence Farming

Subsistence farming refers to the practice of raising crops as well as animals, for the consumption of the farmer solely. Subsistence farming involves working in smaller agricultural plots with primary types of agricultural tools. The subsistence farmers are mostly believed to be poor and not able to buy better seeds as well as fertilizers; because of which the farm is on land with very poor quality of soil or with very challenging topography.

Because of the low-yielding subsistence type of farming, they do not employ irrigation or even electricity, both of which are very important for mass production. Almost no food is sold in the reason for profit and all food produced is consumed by the farmers.

Primitive Subsistence Agriculture

Shifting Cultivation

In the case of the tropics, shifting cultivation mostly deals with the cultivation of crops on the forest grounds by following the forest burning or removal. The natives from America, farm on the forest lands till the soil is no longer fit or fertile. The soil mostly loses its fertility or even becomes dominated by a type of local flora over periods of three to five years. The farmers try to relocate to the next forest and also for continuing the process thereafter the soil loses its fertility. The primary use of farming is for the production of grains in the tropics.


One of the oldest types of farming is pastoralism and the practice deals with only the rearing of animals in areas of cold, humid climates which couldn’t grow sufficient crops. These slopes which are steep are mostly less fertile and are designated for the encouragement of mechanization, rather than the actual growth of the plant species. These grounds are famous for weeds as well as grasses.

Strong winds along with heavy rain and water flow from rainstorms mostly increase crop damage in the sloping of the terrains. The sheep are better raised here, as they feed on grass and are more adaptable to cold as well as humid climates.

Intensive Farming

Intensive farming is mostly conducted in tropical locations which have high-density populations and also high rainfall levels. Rice is widely grown and produced because they feed upon and also employs a very large number of people in each unit area. The farmers employ animals as well as manual powers for carrying out various farming activities, which are practiced mostly in Southeast Asia. The majority of farmers are also employed for manure and to increase the productivity of the farm per area.

Intensive agriculture has been practiced in many areas like Central America, South Africa, as well as northern Africa, Asia, and also the Middle East, which receive very less rainfall throughout the year.

Planting Agriculture

Tea Plantation

Planting agriculture is developed for organic product crops, flavors, tea, espresso, elastic, coconut, and so on. Ranch Agriculture is essentially polished within the Indian territories of the geographical regions, of Assam, Karnataka, and Kerala.

A plantation factory farm could be an artifact located in farming. the bulk of the harvests crammed in manor farming has every day to day existence pattern of over 2 years. A ranch factory farm is likewise polished and bent on causation resolute in completely different nations and procuring large incomes. Ranch cultivating is a ligneous plant or tree cultivating. it was bestowed by the British within the nineteenth hundred years.

Industrial Agriculture

Business cultivating crops are developed and creatures are raised and developed obtainable to be purchased in the market. it includes high automation and less work. Created country for the foremost half plays out this cultivating wide.

This sort of farming is polished within the Indian provinces of geographical regions, Punjab, Gujarat, and Haryana. Commercial gardening is essentially trained to boost crops for an enormous scope, and products they manufacture to completely different nations and procure nice incomes. A portion of the numerous business crops such as corn, sugarcane, wheat, cotton, and so on.

Terrace Agriculture

Terracing could be farming follow that proposes adjusting farmlands or reworking slopes into farmlands by building specific wrinkled stages. These stages are referred to as porches. Porch cultivating could be a skilled and often the most account for uneven farmlands. However, its edges are multifold. the importance of terrace cultivation goes an extended way in which past developing terrains that aren’t cheap for gardening in any case.

The fundamental part of terracing gardening is uncovering and moving dirt to border cultivated regions and edges. The stunt is that water streams right down to bring down stages once the higher ones are full. During this approach, what proportion of water is distributed just about equitably, not right at the foot of the Hill. Furthermore, the structure of cultivating forests adds to soil disintegration and adds to soil preservation. Porch cultivating could be a skilled and often the most account for uneven farmlands. However, its edges are multifold. the importance of terrace cultivation goes an extended way in which past developing terrains that aren’t cheap for gardening in any case. Moreover, terrace cultivating forests add to soil disintegration and add to soil protection.

Dry Agriculture

In areas of low precipitation and no water system offices, crops that need less water are developed. Here cultivating depends entirely upon what proportion of precipitation got. As precipitation is low, what proportion of wetness assembled within the dirt can likewise below 100, and twenty-eight venues in the Asian nations are perceived as dryland cultivating regions.

Of these, ninety-one areas are unfolded within the provinces of Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, state, and state, addressing normal dry cultivating tons. the remainder of the venue incorporates a place with Central Rajasthan, the Saurashtra district of Gujarat, and the rain shadow space of the Western Ghats. This kind of cultivating is understood as dry cultivating. Millets, Jowar, and beats are developed in dry cultivating regions. Significant dry cultivating crops are millets, for instance, jawar, bajra, ragi, oilseeds like mustard, rapeseed, and heartbeat crops like bird pea, gram, and lentil. Wheat and gram are crammed in steamy soil in Gujarat when the rainy season. Wheat and gram are crammed in steamy soil in Gujarat when the rainy season. This sort of cultivating is understood as dry cultivating. Millets, Jowar, and beats are developed in dry cultivating regions.

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To summarize, agriculture is a diverse and complex field that encompasses a wide range of practices and techniques. Arable, pastoral, mixed, subsistence, industrial, and organic agriculture are the six major types of agriculture. Each type has its own set of characteristics, challenges, and advantages. Agriculture is important to the Indian economy, with different regions having their own agricultural practices and crops. Understanding and promoting sustainable and diverse agriculture practices that can ensure food security, environmental conservation, and livelihood opportunities for millions of farmers around the world is critical.

FAQs on Types of Agriculture

1. What are the 4 types of agriculture?

The 4 types of agriculture include the following:

  1. Pastoralism
  2. Shifting Cultivation
  3. Subsistence Farming
  4. Intensive Farming

2. What are the 3 types of crops?

The 3 types of crops include the following-

  1. Food crops
  2. Feed crops
  3. Industrial crops

3. What are 10 different crops?

The 10 different crops include Cassava, maize, potatoes, rice, sorghum, soybean, plantains, wheat, yams and sweet potatoes.

4. What is commercial grain farming?

Commerical grain farming refers to the type of farming where the farmers grow grains and also trade them in the market. Wheat and maize are some common examples.

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