Important Texts of Jain Dharm

Following we are presenting the topic “Important Texts Of Jain Dharm “. In every exam of the Staff Selection Commission Combined Graduate Level, questions were asked about these topics. So it is important for all the candidates who are preparing for these exams. These topics may also help in State Commission’s Exams and Banking Exams. 

Brief Description of Jainism Texts-

  • The oldest texts of Jainism are called “Purva”. 
  • Their number is 14. 
  • Jain literature is called “Agama” (Siddhanta). 
  • These texts were written in Ardhamagadhi or Magadhi or Prakrit language.
  • Under Jainism Anga, Upanga, Prakirna, Chheda Sutra, Mool Sutra and Anuyoga Sutras comes-

Anga –

  • This is the main text of Jainism.
  • Their number is 12. 
  • These were compiled during the Second Jain Sabha. 
  • The principles, rules, etc. of Jainism have been compiled in these texts.

Upanga – 

  • This is the main text of Jainism. Their number is 12. 
  • These were compiled during the Second Jain Sabha. 
  • An appendage is associated with each organ. 
  • In these texts, there is a description of the universe, classification of beings, astronomy, division of time etc.

Prakirna – 

  • This is the parishist of major texts.
  • Their number is 10. 
  • In these texts, the legal subjects related to Jainism are described.

Chheda Sutra – 

  • These texts are written in sutra form. 
  • Their number is 6.
  • In these texts, the rules for Jain monks and bhikkhunis have been described.

Mool Sutra –

  • Their number is 4. 
  • The teachings of Jainism have been given in these texts. 
  • In these, the description of duties, viharas etc. of monks have been given.

Anuyoga Sutra –

  • In this book, practical things have been written for the monks


Text Related Fact
Acharangasutra This text describes the rules to be followed by Jain monks.
Sutra Kridanga Various Jain sects are described in this
Nayadhammakaha In this, the teachings of Mahavir Swami are compiled.
Bathanga It describes the various principles of Jainism
Samayavang It describes the various principles of Jainism.
Bhagwati Sutra This book describes the life stories of Mahavir Swami and other contemporary Jain sages. 
It describes the principles of Jainism as well as heaven and hell.
Gyan-Dharma Katha It describes the teachings of Jainism through stories, riddles etc.
Uvasaggaharam This text describes 10 Jain merchants. 
These Jain merchants had attained salvation by following the rules of Jainism.
Antakridasha This Jain text describes the Jain monks. 
He attained salvation by sacrificing his life through penance.
Anuttaropatika This book also describes Jain sages who have attained salvation.
Prashna Grammar In this, ten teachings of Jainism and ten essays are mentioned in question and answer form.
Vikashrutam In this Jain text, the fruits of good and bad deeds of life are described through stories.
Drastivada This Jain text is not available
Kalpasutra This text has been composed by Bhadrabahu.
Parishishta Parvan This book was composed by Hemachandra.
 This book is written in Prakrit Apabhramsa.
Nyayavatara It was composed by Siddhasena Divakara
Dravyasamgraha Its author is Neminatha.
Syadvadmanjari Its author is Mallisen.


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