Implementation of all Partition Allocation Methods in Memory Management

Prerequisite: Partition Allocation Methods in Memory Management
In Partition Allocation, when there is more than one partition freely available to accommodate a process request, a partition must be selected. To choose a particular partition, a partition allocation method is needed. A partition allocation method is considered better if it avoids internal fragmentation.

Consider the following data for process:

Process No. Process Size
1 88
2 192
3 277
4 365
5 489
Consider the following data for memory slots:

Memory Block No. Memory Block Size
1 400
2 500
3 300
4 200
5 100

Below are the various partition allocation schemes with their implementation with respect to the given data above.

1. First Fit

This method keeps the free/busy list of jobs organized by memory location, low-ordered to high-ordered memory. In this method, the first job claims the first available memory with space more than or equal to its size. The operating system doesn’t search for appropriate partition but just allocate the job to the nearest memory partition available with sufficient size.

Below is the implementation of the First Fit Algorithm:

// C++ program for the implementation
// of the First Fit algorithm
#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
// Process Class
class process {
    // Size & number of process
    size_t size;
    pid_t no;
// Memory Class
class memory {
    size_t size;
    // Number of memory & queue of space
    // occupied by process
    pid_t no;
    queue<process> space_occupied;
    // Function to push process in a block
    void push(const process p)
        if (p.size <= size) {
            size -= p.size;
    // Function to pop and return the
    // process from the block
    process pop()
        process p;
        // If space occupied is empty
        if (!space_occupied.empty()) {
            p = space_occupied.front();
            size += p.size;
            return p;
    // Function to check if block is
    // completely empty
    bool empty()
        return space_occupied.empty();
// Function to get data of processess
// allocated using first fit
vector<memory> first_fit(vector<memory> memory_blocks,
                         queue<process> processess)
    int i = 0;
    bool done, done1;
    memory na; = -10;
    while (!processess.empty()) {
        done = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < memory_blocks.size(); i++) {
            done1 = 0;
            if (
                >= processess.front().size) {
                done = 1;
                done1 = 1;
        // If process is done
        if (done == 0 && done1 == 0) {
            na.size += processess.front().size;
        // pop the process
    if (!na.space_occupied.empty())
    return memory_blocks;
// Function to display the allocation
// of all processess
void display(vector<memory> memory_blocks)
    int i = 0, temp = 0;
    process p;
    cout << "+-------------+--------------+--------------+"
         << endl;
    cout << "| Process no. | Process size | Memory block |"
         << endl;
    cout << "+-------------+--------------+--------------+"
         << endl;
    // Traverse memory blocks size
    for (i = 0; i < memory_blocks.size(); i++) {
        // While memory block size is not empty
        while (! {
            p =;
            temp = to_string(;
            cout << "|" << string(7 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
                 << << string(6 - temp / 2, ' ')
                 << "|";
            temp = to_string(p.size).length();
            cout << string(7 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
                 << p.size
                 << string(7 - temp / 2, ' ') << "|";
            temp = to_string(;
            cout << string(7 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ');
            // If memory blocks is assigned
            if ( != -10) {
                cout <<;
            // Else memory blocks is assigned
            else {
                cout << "N/A";
            cout << string(7 - temp / 2, ' ')
                 << "|" << endl;
    cout << "+-------------+--------------+--------------+"
         << endl;
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Declare memory blocks
    vector<memory> memory_blocks(5);
    // Declare first fit blocks
    vector<memory> first_fit_blocks;
    // Declare queue of all processess
    queue<process> processess;
    process temp;
    // Set sample data
    memory_blocks[0].no = 1;
    memory_blocks[0].size = 400;
    memory_blocks[1].no = 2;
    memory_blocks[1].size = 500;
    memory_blocks[2].no = 3;
    memory_blocks[2].size = 300;
    memory_blocks[3].no = 4;
    memory_blocks[3].size = 200;
    memory_blocks[4].no = 5;
    memory_blocks[4].size = 100; = 1;
    temp.size = 88;
    // Push the process
    processess.push(temp); = 2;
    temp.size = 192;
    // Push the process
    processess.push(temp); = 3;
    temp.size = 277;
    // Push the process
    processess.push(temp); = 4;
    temp.size = 365;
    // Push the process
    processess.push(temp); = 5;
    temp.size = 489;
    // Push the process
    // Get the data
    first_fit_blocks = first_fit(memory_blocks, processess);
    // Display the data
    return 0;


| Process no. | Process size | Memory block |
|      1      |      88      |      1       |
|      2      |     192      |      1       |
|      3      |     277      |      2       |
|      4      |     365      |     N/A      |
|      5      |     489      |     N/A      |

2. Next Fit

The next fit is a modified version of ‘first fit’. It begins as the first fit to find a free partition but when called next time it starts searching from where it left off, not from the beginning. This policy makes use of a roving pointer. The pointer moves along the memory chain to search for a next fit. This helps in, to avoid the usage of memory always from the head (beginning) of the free block chain.

Below is the implementation of the Next Fit Algorithm:

// C++ program for the implementation
// of the Next Fit algorithm
#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
// Process Class
class process {
    // Size & number of process
    size_t size;
    pid_t no;
// Memory Class
class memory {
    size_t size;
    // Number of memory & queue of space
    // occupied by process
    pid_t no;
    queue<process> space_occupied;
    // Function to push process in a block
    void push(const process p)
        if (p.size <= size) {
            size -= p.size;
    // Function to pop and return the
    // process from the block
    process pop()
        process p;
        // If space occupied is empty
        if (!space_occupied.empty()) {
            p = space_occupied.front();
            size += p.size;
            return p;
    // Function to check if block is
    // completely empty
    bool empty()
        return space_occupied.empty();
// Function to get data of processess
// allocated using Next Fit
vector<memory> next_fit(vector<memory> memory_blocks,
                        queue<process> processess)
    int i = 0;
    bool done, done1;
    memory na; = -10;
    // Loop till process is empty
    while (!processess.empty()) {
        done1 = 0;
        // Traverse memory_blocks
        for (i = 0; i < memory_blocks.size(); i++) {
            done = 0;
            // If process is not empty
            if (!processess.empty() && >= processess.front().size) {
                done = 1;
                done1 = 1;
        if (!processess.empty() && done == 0 && done1 == 0) {
            na.size += processess.front().size;
    // If space is not occupied push
    // the memory_blocks na
    if (!na.space_occupied.empty()) {
    return memory_blocks;
// Function to display the allocation
// of all processess
void display(vector<memory> memory_blocks)
    int i = 0, temp = 0;
    process p;
    cout << "+-------------+--------------+--------------+"
         << endl;
    cout << "| Process no. | Process size | Memory block |"
         << endl;
    cout << "+-------------+--------------+--------------+"
         << endl;
    // Traverse memory blocks size
    for (i = 0; i < memory_blocks.size(); i++) {
        // While memory block size is not empty
        while (! {
            p =;
            temp = to_string(;
            cout << "|" << string(7 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
                 << << string(6 - temp / 2, ' ')
                 << "|";
            temp = to_string(p.size).length();
            cout << string(7 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
                 << p.size
                 << string(7 - temp / 2, ' ') << "|";
            temp = to_string(;
            cout << string(7 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ');
            // If memory blocks is assigned
            if ( != -10) {
                cout <<;
            // Else memory blocks is assigned
            else {
                cout << "N/A";
            cout << string(7 - temp / 2, ' ')
                 << "|" << endl;
    cout << "+-------------+--------------+--------------+"
         << endl;
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Declare memory blocks
    vector<memory> memory_blocks(5);
    // Declare next fit blocks
    vector<memory> next_fit_blocks;
    // Declare queue of all processess
    queue<process> processess;
    process temp;
    // Set sample data
    memory_blocks[0].no = 1;
    memory_blocks[0].size = 400;
    memory_blocks[1].no = 2;
    memory_blocks[1].size = 500;
    memory_blocks[2].no = 3;
    memory_blocks[2].size = 300;
    memory_blocks[3].no = 4;
    memory_blocks[3].size = 200;
    memory_blocks[4].no = 5;
    memory_blocks[4].size = 100; = 1;
    temp.size = 88;
    // Push the process
    processess.push(temp); = 2;
    temp.size = 192;
    // Push the process
    processess.push(temp); = 3;
    temp.size = 277;
    // Push the process
    processess.push(temp); = 4;
    temp.size = 365;
    // Push the process
    processess.push(temp); = 5;
    temp.size = 489;
    // Push the process
    // Get the data
    next_fit_blocks = next_fit(memory_blocks,
    // Display the data
    return 0;


| Process no. | Process size | Memory block |
|      1      |      88      |      1       |
|      2      |     192      |      2       |
|      3      |     277      |      3       |
|      4      |     365      |     N/A      |
|      5      |     489      |     N/A      |

3. Worst Fit

Worst Fit allocates a process to the partition which is largest sufficient among the freely available partitions available in the main memory. If a large process comes at a later stage, then memory will not have space to accommodate it.

Below is the implementation of the Worst Fit Algorithm:

// C++ program for the implementation
// of the Worst Fit algorithm
#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
// Process Class
class process {
    // Size & number of process
    size_t size;
    pid_t no;
// Memory Class
class memory {
    size_t size;
    // Number of memory & queue of space
    // occupied by process
    pid_t no;
    queue<process> space_occupied;
    // Function to push process in a block
    void push(const process p)
        if (p.size <= size) {
            size -= p.size;
    // Function to pop and return the
    // process from the block
    process pop()
        process p;
        // If space occupied is empty
        if (!space_occupied.empty()) {
            p = space_occupied.front();
            size += p.size;
            return p;
    // Function to check if block is
    // completely empty
    bool empty()
        return space_occupied.empty();
// Function to get data of processess
// allocated using Worst Fit
vector<memory> worst_fit(vector<memory> memory_blocks,
                         queue<process> processess)
    int i = 0, index = 0, max;
    memory na; = -10;
    // Loop till process queue is not empty
    while (!processess.empty()) {
        max = 0;
        // Traverse the memory_blocks
        for (i = 0; i < memory_blocks.size(); i++) {
            if ( >= processess.front().size
                && > max) {
                max =;
                index = i;
        if (max != 0) {
        else {
            na.size += processess.front().size;
        // Pop the current process
    // If space is not occupied
    if (!na.space_occupied.empty()) {
    // Return the memory
    return memory_blocks;
// Function to display the allocation
// of all processess
void display(vector<memory> memory_blocks)
    int i = 0, temp = 0;
    process p;
    cout << "+-------------+--------------+--------------+"
         << endl;
    cout << "| Process no. | Process size | Memory block |"
         << endl;
    cout << "+-------------+--------------+--------------+"
         << endl;
    // Traverse memory blocks size
    for (i = 0; i < memory_blocks.size(); i++) {
        // While memory block size is not empty
        while (! {
            p =;
            temp = to_string(;
            cout << "|" << string(7 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
                 << << string(6 - temp / 2, ' ')
                 << "|";
            temp = to_string(p.size).length();
            cout << string(7 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
                 << p.size
                 << string(7 - temp / 2, ' ') << "|";
            temp = to_string(;
            cout << string(7 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ');
            // If memory blocks is assigned
            if ( != -10) {
                cout <<;
            // Else memory blocks is assigned
            else {
                cout << "N/A";
            cout << string(7 - temp / 2, ' ')
                 << "|" << endl;
    cout << "+-------------+--------------+--------------+"
         << endl;
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Declare memory blocks
    vector<memory> memory_blocks(5);
    // Declare worst fit blocks
    vector<memory> worst_fit_blocks;
    // Declare queue of all processess
    queue<process> processess;
    process temp;
    // Set sample data
    memory_blocks[0].no = 1;
    memory_blocks[0].size = 400;
    memory_blocks[1].no = 2;
    memory_blocks[1].size = 500;
    memory_blocks[2].no = 3;
    memory_blocks[2].size = 300;
    memory_blocks[3].no = 4;
    memory_blocks[3].size = 200;
    memory_blocks[4].no = 5;
    memory_blocks[4].size = 100; = 1;
    temp.size = 88;
    // Push the process
    processess.push(temp); = 2;
    temp.size = 192;
    // Push the process
    processess.push(temp); = 3;
    temp.size = 277;
    // Push the process
    processess.push(temp); = 4;
    temp.size = 365;
    // Push the process
    processess.push(temp); = 5;
    temp.size = 489;
    // Push the process
    // Get the data
    worst_fit_blocks = worst_fit(memory_blocks,
    // Display the data
    return 0;


| Process no. | Process size | Memory block |
|      3      |     277      |      1       |
|      1      |      88      |      2       |
|      2      |     192      |      2       |
|      4      |     365      |     N/A      |
|      5      |     489      |     N/A      |

4. Best Fit

This method keeps the free/busy list in order by size – smallest to largest. In this method, the operating system first searches the whole of the memory according to the size of the given job and allocates it to the closest-fitting free partition in the memory, making it able to use memory efficiently. Here the jobs are in the order from smallest job to the largest job.

Below is the implementation of the Best Fit Algorithm:

// C++ program for the implementation
// of the Best Fit algorithm
#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
// Process Class
class process {
    // Size & number of process
    size_t size;
    pid_t no;
// Memory Class
class memory {
    size_t size;
    // Number of memory & queue of space
    // occupied by process
    pid_t no;
    queue<process> space_occupied;
    // Function to push process in a block
    void push(const process p)
        if (p.size <= size) {
            size -= p.size;
    // Function to pop and return the
    // process from the block
    process pop()
        process p;
        // If space occupied is empty
        if (!space_occupied.empty()) {
            p = space_occupied.front();
            size += p.size;
            return p;
    // Function to check if block is
    // completely empty
    bool empty()
        return space_occupied.empty();
// Function to get data of processess
// allocated using Best Fit
vector<memory> best_fit(vector<memory> memory_blocks,
                        queue<process> processess)
    int i = 0, min, index = 0;
    memory na; = -10;
    // Loop till processe is not empty
    while (!processess.empty()) {
        min = 0;
        // Traverse the memory_blocks
        for (i = 0; i < memory_blocks.size(); i++) {
            if ( >= processess.front().size && (min == 0 || < min)) {
                min =;
                index = i;
        if (min != 0) {
        else {
            na.size += processess.front().size;
        // Pop the processe
    // If space is no occupied then push
    // the current memory na
    if (!na.space_occupied.empty()) {
    // Return the memory_blocks
    return memory_blocks;
// Function to display the allocation
// of all processess
void display(vector<memory> memory_blocks)
    int i = 0, temp = 0;
    process p;
    cout << "+-------------+--------------+--------------+"
         << endl;
    cout << "| Process no. | Process size | Memory block |"
         << endl;
    cout << "+-------------+--------------+--------------+"
         << endl;
    // Traverse memory blocks size
    for (i = 0; i < memory_blocks.size(); i++) {
        // While memory block size is not empty
        while (! {
            p =;
            temp = to_string(;
            cout << "|" << string(7 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
                 << << string(6 - temp / 2, ' ')
                 << "|";
            temp = to_string(p.size).length();
            cout << string(7 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ')
                 << p.size
                 << string(7 - temp / 2, ' ') << "|";
            temp = to_string(;
            cout << string(7 - temp / 2 - temp % 2, ' ');
            // If memory blocks is assigned
            if ( != -10) {
                cout <<;
            // Else memory blocks is assigned
            else {
                cout << "N/A";
            cout << string(7 - temp / 2, ' ')
                 << "|" << endl;
    cout << "+-------------+--------------+--------------+"
         << endl;
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Declare memory blocks
    vector<memory> memory_blocks(5);
    // Declare best fit blocks
    vector<memory> best_fit_blocks;
    // Declare queue of all processess
    queue<process> processess;
    process temp;
    // Set sample data
    memory_blocks[0].no = 1;
    memory_blocks[0].size = 400;
    memory_blocks[1].no = 2;
    memory_blocks[1].size = 500;
    memory_blocks[2].no = 3;
    memory_blocks[2].size = 300;
    memory_blocks[3].no = 4;
    memory_blocks[3].size = 200;
    memory_blocks[4].no = 5;
    memory_blocks[4].size = 100; = 1;
    temp.size = 88;
    // Push the processe to queue
    processess.push(temp); = 2;
    temp.size = 192;
    // Push the processe to queue
    processess.push(temp); = 3;
    temp.size = 277;
    // Push the processe to queue
    processess.push(temp); = 4;
    temp.size = 365;
    // Push the processe to queue
    processess.push(temp); = 5;
    temp.size = 489;
    // Push the processe to queue
    // Get the data
    best_fit_blocks = best_fit(memory_blocks,
    // Display the data
    return 0;


| Process no. | Process size | Memory block |
|      4      |     365      |      1       |
|      5      |     489      |      2       |
|      3      |     277      |      3       |
|      2      |     192      |      4       |
|      1      |      88      |      5       |

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