IIIT Kottayam Admission Experience

I was the 29th member of my panel for the day I was supposed to report. I was not nervous but I was excited and looking forward to the new changes that I was gonna experience. I was there with my dad who helped me make the whole experience a lot easier. We were waiting for our turn and exploring the campus while doing so. Then, finally came our turn and we were asked to submit our certificates for verification. Everything was going smoothly and very well until now. And that is when the bomb was dropped.

They checked all of the certificates that we submitted twice and we thought they were doing that just to be sure. The lady sitting there looked at us and asked us if we were sure that we submitted all the certificates and both my father and I nodded yes. And then she said, “You did not submit your 12th class TC so please go back and check for it and then come”, we were looking so surprisedly at each other because we cross-checked at home and made sure all of them were with us. And that is when we started analyzing where we might have possibly left the certificate and my dad suddenly said, “I think I left it near the printer while trying to get a copy of it”.

We immediately called my mom to make sure it was there and not misplaced. She confirmed that it was near the printer and we finally relaxed realizing that it was at least with us and not misplaced. We told her that we would submit within 15 days and she gives a piece of paper about having a pending certificate to submit and we just took it and went ahead. We were then directed towards the college auditorium which is called “Tapovan” in our college. They assigned us some token number and we were supposed to wait for our token number to turn up and that is when we could go to that particular person get the college brochure and occupy our seat.

So, we waited and our turn finally came and the two of us went to the lady sitting there along with our certificates and that is when we realized that we were acquaintances with that lady and we immediately sat back when we assured us that everything was fine with the college and ensured of my safety in the campus. She then handed us the brochure and that is how my reporting ended.

I had some new experiences and I had fun dealing with everything that was thrown my way. And that is how my days in engineering started.

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