Check the Difference between PTE vs IELTS vs TOEFL| Top Differences

The purpose of the PTE, TOEFL, and IELTS is to assess your English language proficiency when you apply to international universities. These exams test the ability to read, understand, speak, write, and also listen to the English language and then grade you accordingly. Certain set scores are required.

In this article, we will be going through the various differences between IELTS vs TOEFL vs PTE, which is easier, and which is better.

IELTS vs TOEFL vs PTE: Know the Difference

Table of Content

  • What is IELTS?
  • What is TOEFL?
  • What is PTE?
  • Format Comparison of IELTS, TOEFL, and PTE Exams
  • Score Differences
  • How to Choose the Right Exam?
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of IELTS vs TOEFL vs PTE

IELTS vs TOEFL vs PTE: Know the Difference










15,500 INR

14,242.11 INR

13,300 INR


Paper and Computer



Assessed by

Human or Computer

Human AND computer








In halves



In decimals

Good Score




Ideal for

UK, USA, Canada, etc.

Students and visas

Students running late with their English test

English System Used

British or American

British and American

British and American

Question Types

MCQs, yes/no, true/false, matching headlines, features, information, essay writing

Factual information, negative facts, vocabulary, sentence formation, essay writing

20 different types including essay writing and MCQs


2 hours and 45 minutes

3 hours

2 hours and 15 minutes

Results validity

2 years

2 years

2 years




Once every 3 days


Once every 5 days

Accepted by

Internationally by most countries and institutions

Internationally, more preference by American schools

Internationally, but less than the other two (70 countries globally)

IELTS vs TOEFL vs PTE: Chart of Differences

IELTS vs TOEFL vs PTE: Know the Difference

What is the Basic Difference between IELTS vs TOEFL vs PTE?

In summary, the primary distinction among IELTS, TOEFL, and PTE lies in their examination format. While all three assess English speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills for non-native speakers, they vary in their mode of testing.

IELTS involves both computer-based and face-to-face examination formats. This may pose challenges for individuals with strong English skills but limited social and public speaking abilities, potentially affecting their performance.

On the other hand, PTE and TOEFL are entirely computer-based tests, offering a slight advantage as most test-takers are accustomed to writing on computers.

Another key difference lies in the evaluation process. IELTS papers undergo both computerized and human assessment, TOEFL papers are evaluated by both systems, and PTE papers are solely assessed by computers. Each system has its advantages, choosing between them is a matter of personal preference.

What are the IELTS, TOEFL, and PTE Exams?

In comparing IELTS, TOEFL, and PTE, it’s important to understand the basic nature of each test:

  1. International English Language Testing System (IELTS): IELTS is widely regarded as the primary exam for English proficiency assessment. It consists of four sections: reading, writing, listening, and speaking, each graded on a scale from 0 to 9. The overall IELTS score is the average of these sections. While IELTS is widely accepted globally, it’s also considered the most challenging.
  2. Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL): TOEFL, the oldest English language test, is accepted internationally. It includes four sections and is slightly more challenging than IELTS. Each section is scored from 0 to 30, with a total TOEFL score out of 120. A score above 100 is generally considered good.
  3. Pearson Test of English (PTE): Similar to IELTS and TOEFL, PTE also has four sections and evaluates English proficiency on a scale from 10 to 90. A score above 76 is typically considered good. Many test-takers find PTE to be the least difficult among the three tests when comparing IELTS vs TOEFL vs PTE.

PTE vs IELTS vs TOEFL: Which Exam Should You Choose?

The choice of the exam depends significantly on individual circumstances:

For students:

  1. Verify the test requirements and acceptance criteria of your university or program.
  2. Assess the costs and ensure they fit your budget.
  3. Research the preparation required for each test and compare it with your available time.
  4. Consider the result release time, ensuring it aligns with your application deadlines.
  5. Opt for a test that offers broader recognition and validity if other factors are inconclusive.

For immigrants/employees:

  1. Consult your visa or job provider regarding their preferred exam.
  2. Evaluate the costs involved.
  3. Consider the preparation time required and compare it with your schedule.
  4. Compare result turnaround times with your timeline.
  5. Choose a test that requires minimal preparation and boosts your confidence given your busy schedule.

While all three tests are internationally recognized, selecting the most suitable one is crucial. For individuals considering multiple institutions or countries, ensure all accept the chosen test. Additionally, assess the validity period of scores to align with your preferences effectively.

Scoring of PTE vs IELTS vs TOEFL

The main distinction between IELTS and PTE lies in their scoring systems. TOEFL scores are straightforward as each of its four sections is graded out of 30 points.

In contrast, both PTE and IELTS provide overall scores encompassing all sections.

IELTS scores range from 1 to 9 bands, with a score of 7 or higher regarded as good. PTE scores range from 0 to 90, with a score of at least 65 considered good.

While there’s no direct equivalence between the two, when comparing PTE and IELTS scores, it’s commonly understood that achieving 7 bands in IELTS is akin to scoring 65 in PTE. Similarly, scoring 9 bands in IELTS is considered equivalent to achieving 86 or above in PTE.

Reading Section of IELTS vs TOEFL vs PTE

In the IELTS reading section, candidates encounter three passages containing a total of 40 questions, covering various tasks like multiple-choice, matching information, diagram labeling, and true or false questions. The allotted time for this section is 60 minutes, and the distribution of questions across tasks may vary.

On the TOEFL reading test, candidates engage with 3-4 passages focusing on different topics such as comparison/contrast or cause-effect. Each passage is followed by 10 questions, and the duration for this section can range from 54 to 72 minutes, depending on the number of passages provided. Scores for this section range from 0 to 30.

In the PTE reading section, candidates have 32 to 40 minutes to complete tasks such as filling in the blanks, re-ordering paragraphs, and answering single-answer multiple-choice questions based on passages presented during the test.

Listening Section of IELTS vs TOEFL vs PTE

In the IELTS listening section, candidates encounter 40 questions distributed across 4 tasks, to be completed within a 30-minute timeframe. They listen to 4 recordings played only once, featuring various voices with native-speaker accents, including one-on-one conversations or monologues on different topics. Question types include multiple-choice, matching, map or diagram labeling, form completion, note completion, summary completion, and short answers.

The TOEFL listening section consists of 3 to 4 lectures, some accompanied by classroom discussions, each lasting approximately 3-5 minutes. Additionally, there are 2-3 conversations, each lasting 3 minutes. Following each lecture or conversation, candidates answer 6 and 5 questions respectively. The accents featured are those of native speakers from across North America.

In the PTE listening section, the duration can vary from 45 to 57 minutes. Tasks include summarizing written text, filling in blanks, selecting missing words, highlighting incorrect phrases, and writing from dictation. This section follows a distinct pattern compared to the other two tests.

Speaking Section of IELTS vs TOEFL vs PTE

In the IELTS speaking test, candidates engage in an interview with the examiner lasting 11-14 minutes and comprising three tasks. The first task typically involves a personal introduction or interview, lasting about 4-5 minutes. In the second task, candidates receive a task card with a topic to discuss, for which they have 1 minute to prepare notes and 1-2 minutes to speak. Task three delves deeper into the previous topic, lasting 4-5 minutes. Occasionally, the speaking test may be conducted on a separate day.

For TOEFL, the speaking section includes 4 tasks. The first task is an independent one where candidates express their opinion on a familiar topic with 30 seconds of preparation time. Then, there are 3 integrated tasks based on reading and listening, each with 1 minute of preparation time. The total time allocated for this section is 17 minutes, with scores ranging from 0 to 4 points, converted to a scale of 0 to 30.

PTE combines its speaking and writing sections, which will be addressed in the following topic.

Writing Section of IELTS vs TOEFL vs PTE

In the IELTS writing test, candidates face two sections within a total test duration of 60 minutes. The first section involves interpreting visual data, such as graphs or pie charts, and writing a summary of around 150 words. The second section requires candidates to write an essay of precisely 250 words on a given topic or argument.

For TOEFL, the writing section comprises two tasks. The first task is integrated, involving reading and listening, and must be completed within 20 minutes. The second task is independent, requiring candidates to express their opinions on a given topic in 30 minutes. Scores range from 0 to 5 points, converted to a scale of 0 to 30.

In PTE, the speaking and writing sections together last approximately 77 to 93 minutes. The exam starts with a personal introduction, followed by tasks like reading aloud, sentence repetition, lecture retelling, and answering short questions. Additionally, candidates have 20 minutes to write an essay spanning 200-300 words.

Major Differences Between IELTS vs TOEFL vs PTE

Here’s the comparison of IELTS, TOEFL, and PTE exams:






Academic, General Training

Internet-based Test (iBT), Paper-based Test (PBT)



Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking

Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing

Speaking and Writing, Reading, Listening

Listening Section

30 mins

60-90 mins

45-57 mins

Reading Section

60 mins

60-80 mins

32-41 mins

Writing Section

60 mins

50 mins

77-93 minutes

Speaking Section

11-14 minutes

20 mins

77-93 minutes



Computer-based at test centers worldwide

Computer-based at test centers worldwide

Speaking Component

Face-to-face interview with the examiner

Recorded separately, headset and microphone

Recorded, integrated with Writing

Test Duration

Completed on the same day

Completed on the same day

Completed in one sitting

Advantages and Disadvantages of IELTS vs TOEFL vs PTE

The following table lists the advantages and disadvantages of IELTS vs TOEFL vs PTE:






Global Recognition

Widely recognized worldwide

Recognized globally

Increasing recognition

Flexible Test Format

Offers both Academic and General Training formats

Primarily Internet-based Test (iBT) format

Entirely computer-based

Face-to-Face Speaking

Provides face-to-face speaking component

Integrated speaking tasks simulate real-life scenarios

Integrated speaking and writing sections

Scoring Transparency

Clear band scale for proficiency levels

Standardized scoring based on correct answers

Automated scoring system

Quick Results

Scores available within 13 days

Instant score reporting online

Rapid score reporting (typically within 48 hours)


Limited Test Dates

Test dates may be limited in some regions

Limited availability of test dates in some regions

Limited availability of test centers in some regions

Subjectivity in Speaking

Speaking scores may vary depending on the examiner

Less familiarity with British English accents

Limited human interaction in the speaking section

Handwriting Requirement

The writing section must be handwritten



Less Flexibility

Primarily offers Academic and General Training formats

Primarily offers iBT format

Less widespread recognition in some regions

Less Human Interaction


Less flexibility in test format


Limited Availability


Test dates may be limited in some regions


Which is more widely accepted?

Determining which of the three exams is more widely accepted globally is challenging since they are all recognized by thousands of institutions worldwide. However, each exam holds an advantage over the others in different countries based on the English proficiency criteria set by institutions.

For example, universities in the United States typically prefer TOEFL for assessing the language skills of international applicants. On the other hand, institutions in the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and Germany tend to favor IELTS, while those in Australia and Europe often prefer the PTE exam. Therefore, the choice of which entrance exam to take largely depends on the specific country and institution to which you are applying.

Also Check:


Which exam offers a face-to-face speaking test?

IELTS offers a face-to-face speaking test, allowing for direct interaction with an examiner.

Which exam provides quick score reporting?

TOEFL offers instant score reporting online, typically within 6 days of the test date.

Which exam uses an automated scoring system?

PTE uses an automated scoring system, ensuring consistency and objectivity in scoring.

Which exam offers both Academic and General Training formats?

IELTS offers both Academic and General Training formats, catering to different purposes such as academic admission and immigration.

Which exam is primarily administered as a computer-based test?

TOEFL is primarily administered as a computer-based test, offering greater flexibility and convenience for test takers.

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