IELTS Exam: 8 Weeks Study Plan

The four separate parts of the IELTS exam, Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking, each requiring a different set of abilities and techniques, can make understanding them difficult. However, you can complete each section and meet your goal score with commitment, methodical preparation, and the appropriate direction. Our 8-week study plan is meant to give you a clear path to success by helping you manage every aspect of the test and giving you the resources you need to perform well. Every week is carefully planned to concentrate on various exam components, progressively increasing your abilities and self-assurance as you work through the program.

Table of Content

  • What is an IELTS Study Plan?
  • IELTS 8 Weeks Study Plan (Weekly Plan)
  • IELTS 8 Weeks Study Plan (Day-Wise)
  • Tips and Techniques for IELTS Preparation
    • Listening Section
    • Reading Section
    • Writing Section
    • Speaking Section
  • Resources and Tools for IELTS Preparation
    • Practice Tests
    • Vocabulary Builders
    • Grammar Guides
    • Listening Practice
    • Reading Materials
    • Writing Practice
    • Speaking Practice
    • Conclusion
  • IELTS 8 Weeks Study Plan- FAQs
    • What is an IELTS 8 Weeks Study Plan?
    • Who is the IELTS 8 Weeks Study Plan suitable for?
    • How do I get started with the IELTS 8 Weeks Study Plan?
    • What resources are included in the IELTS 8 Weeks Study Plan?
    • Can I customize the IELTS 8 Weeks Study Plan to fit my schedule?

What is an IELTS Study Plan?

An IELTS study plan is a structured schedule designed to help individuals prepare effectively for the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) exam. This plan outlines a series of activities, strategies, and resources to help candidates improve their English language skills and achieve their desired score on the exam.

Typically, an IELTS study plan spans a specific duration, such as several weeks or months, leading up to the exam date. It breaks down the preparation process into manageable tasks and guides how to allocate time efficiently to cover all aspects of the exam.

In this article, we will provide 2 IELTS study plans for 8 weeks. One will be day-wise and the other in week format. You can choose one according to your convenience.

IELTS 8 Weeks Study Plan (Weekly Plan)

The following table provides a structured guide for each week of your IELTS preparation, focusing on specific skills and strategies essential for success on the exam. Make sure to adapt the activities and resources to your learning style and pace.

  • Overview of the IELTS exam
  • Understand exam types: Academic vs. General Training
  • Learn about the four sections: Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking
  • Familiarize yourself with scoring criteria
  • Vocabulary building exercises
  • Grammar drills and exercises
  • Practice using synonyms and antonyms
  • Learn common idiomatic expressions
  • Practice listening to various accents
  • Develop note-taking techniques
  • Complete listening comprehension exercises
  • Review audio transcripts
  • Skimming and scanning techniques
  • Practice reading different text types
  • Answering comprehension questions
  • Identifying main ideas and supporting details
  • Understand the task requirements
  • Analyze sample reports
  • Practice describing data and processes
  • Develop paragraph structure and coherence
  • Analyze essay prompts and task requirements
  • Brainstorming and outlining essays
  • Practice writing introductions, body paragraphs, and conclusions
  • Focus on coherence, cohesion, and lexical resource
  • Practice speaking on various topics
  • Record and review speaking responses
  • Focus on pronunciation and intonation
  • Engage in mock speaking tests with a partner or tutor
  • Complete full-length mock tests under exam conditions
  • Analyze test results and identify areas for improvement
  • Review weak areas and reinforce strong one
  • Develop test-taking strategies and time management skills

IELTS 8 Weeks Study Plan (Day-Wise)

The applicants can review the study plan below to make their preparation easier for the IELTS:




Day 1-2


Get an overview and IELTS exam format

Read the sectional overview with task details

Learn about scoring

Day 3-13

IELTS Reading

Focus on vocabulary

Read newspapers, magazines, and journals,

Highlight the unknown words and learn the meanings

Revise the unknown words with their meanings learned and try to make sentences with these

Learn tips and strategies for IELTS reading

Understand the information skimming and information scanning technique

Solve IELTS reading practice papers

Find out which reading question type appears as the most difficult one and learn the tricks specific to it

Take more mock tests

Raise the level of difficulty of the texts

Learn new words every day and practice

Day 14-30

IELTS Listening

Listen to the podcasts and interviews on the internet.

Try to understand what the speakers are saying at one go.

Be familiar with the accents.

Start with the excerpts with 2-3 speakers, gradually difficult ones.

Learn tips and strategies for IELTS listening

Learn about note-taking

Take a mock test

Find out your weaknesses and try to rectify that by finding out proper strategies

Don’t forget to practice IELTS reading at least for 30-45 minutes every day.

Day 31-42 (at least one and a half hour a day)

IELTS Speaking

Stand in front of the mirror and practice speaking

Make yourself comfortable

Pair with your friend while speaking to make it more interactive

Listen to the interviews to be familiar with the communicative English

Answer the general question

Pick topics and speak

Learn tips and strategies for IELTS speaking

Practice with IELTS speaking practice sets

Stay calm – being nervous will not help

Day 43-53

IELTS Writing

Learn tips and strategies for IELTS writing

Learn compare and contrast technique and essay structure or template for essay writing

Stay updated with the recent happenings all over the world because the topic is unpredictable

Gain a proper writing speed

Learn the use of conjunctions and relating words

Practice the remaining sections at least once a day

Day 54-56


Practice 4 sections back to back

Take full IELTS mock test

Revise all the sections and everything you have learned so fa

Tips and Techniques for IELTS Preparation

By incorporating the below tips and techniques into your preparation, you’ll be better equipped to tackle each section of the IELTS exam with confidence and maximize your chances of success:

Listening Section

  • Quickly read through the questions before the recording starts to understand what information you need to listen for.
  • Listen for keywords or synonyms mentioned in the questions to help you locate answers accurately.
  • Use abbreviations or symbols when taking notes to save time and capture key information.
  • Try to predict possible answers while listening to the recording to stay engaged and anticipate information.
  • Pay attention to spelling and grammar as incorrect answers will be marked wrong.

Reading Section

  • Quickly skim through the passage to get a general idea, then scan for specific information mentioned in the questions.
  • Underline or highlight keywords in the questions to help you locate relevant information in the text.
  • Allocate time for each passage and question set, and move on if you’re spending too long on a single question.
  • Use the process of elimination to narrow down answer choices, even if you’re not sure about the correct one.
  • Practice speed reading techniques to improve your reading speed without sacrificing comprehension.

Writing Section

  • Spend a few minutes planning your essay or report structure before you start writing to organize your thoughts effectively.
  • Make sure you address all aspects of the task, including word count, format, and content requirements.
  • Structure your writing with clear paragraphs, each focusing on a single main idea and supported by relevant details or examples.
  • Use a variety of sentence structures, from simple to complex, to demonstrate your language proficiency.
  • Leave some time at the end to review and edit your writing for grammar, punctuation, and coherence.

Speaking Section

  • Practice speaking English regularly to improve fluency and confidence in expressing your ideas.
  • Work on expanding your vocabulary to express yourself more precisely and fluently during the speaking test.
  • Pay attention to pronunciation and intonation, and practice speaking clearly and confidently.
  • Listen carefully to the examiner’s questions and make sure you answer them directly and comprehensively.
  • Support your answers with relevant examples or personal experiences to add depth and credibility to your responses.

Resources and Tools for IELTS Preparation

Here are some recommended resources and tools to aid your IELTS preparation:

Practice Tests

  • Official IELTS Practice Materials: Access official practice tests and sample questions from the makers of the IELTS exam.
  • Cambridge IELTS series: Utilize books from the Cambridge IELTS series, which contain authentic practice tests with answer keys and audio CDs.

Vocabulary Builders

  • Memrise: Use Memrise’s interactive platform to learn and review vocabulary through spaced repetition and mnemonic techniques.
  • Quizlet: Explore Quizlet’s extensive collection of flashcards and vocabulary sets created by users specifically for the IELTS exam.

Grammar Guides

  • Grammarly: Install Grammarly’s browser extension or use its online platform to improve grammar, punctuation, and style in your writing.
  • English Grammar in Use by Raymond Murphy: Refer to this comprehensive grammar book for clear explanations and practice exercises at various difficulty levels.

Listening Practice

  • BBC Learning English: Access free audio and video resources on BBC Learning English to practice listening comprehension and improve pronunciation.
  • IELTS Liz: Visit the IELTS Liz website for listening practice tests, transcripts, and tips to enhance your listening skills.

Reading Materials

  • The Economist: Read articles from The Economist to practice reading complex texts on a wide range of topics relevant to the IELTS exam.
  • IELTS Simon: Explore IELTS Simon’s blog for reading strategies, tips, and sample passages with detailed explanations.

Writing Practice

  • IELTS Writing Task 2: Discursive Essays by Richard Kirke: Utilize this book to practice writing essays on various topics commonly encountered in the IELTS exam.
  • Write & Improve by Cambridge English: Use this online tool to receive instant feedback on your writing tasks and improve your writing skills over time.

Speaking Practice

  • IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topics: Practice speaking on a wide range of topics with IELTS Speaking Part 2 cue cards available online or in preparation books.
  • Language Exchange Partners: Find language exchange partners or join speaking practice groups to engage in conversation and improve fluency.


As you come to the end of your eight-week trip with our IELTS study plan, you will have not only developed a more thorough understanding of the test but also refined important skills and techniques to perform well in every section. You’ve set yourself up for success on the IELTS exam with your committed practice and hard work. Over the course of these weeks, you have improved your speaking, listening, reading, writing, and comprehension skills, increased your vocabulary, and learned the particulars of the IELTS format. You’ve accepted difficulties, recognized your areas of weakness, and adopted a growth mentality that will help you far beyond the test. Remember that there is yet more to the journey. Continue to go over and underline your material as the exam date comes near, practice frequently, and keep your confidence up.

IELTS 8 Weeks Study Plan- FAQs

What is an IELTS 8 Weeks Study Plan?

It’s a structured schedule for preparing for the IELTS exam over eight weeks, focusing on different skills each week.

Who is the IELTS 8 Weeks Study Plan suitable for?

It’s suitable for anyone preparing for the IELTS exam, regardless of their current English proficiency level.

How do I get started with the IELTS 8 Weeks Study Plan?

Start by familiarizing yourself with the IELTS exam structure and setting specific goals for each week of the plan.

What resources are included in the IELTS 8 Weeks Study Plan?

Resources may include practice tests, vocabulary builders, grammar guides, listening materials, reading passages, and speaking prompts.

Can I customize the IELTS 8 Weeks Study Plan to fit my schedule?

Yes, the plan is flexible, allowing you to adapt activities and study times to suit your availability and learning pace.

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