Identity as a Service (IDaaS) as a cloud Based service

Identity-as-a-Service (IDaaS) refers identity and access management services provided through the cloud on a subscription basis. Identity-as-a-Service is typically fully on-premises and provided via set of software and hardware means. An identity service stores the information linked with a digital entity in a form which can be managed and queried for further utilization in electronic transactions. Major core functions of Identity Services are:

  1. A data stores.
  2. Query Engine.
  3. Policy Engine.

Some Distributed transaction systems like cloud computing systems and internetworks magnify the problems tackled by identity management systems by revealing a larger attack surface to an intruder than a private network does. Whether it is network congestion protection, privileged component access, or any other defined right or privilege, As the central tenet of secure network schema leads to the base of validation authorization of object on its identity. Hence, establishing identity is the key to get trust and to anything that an object seems to claim possession of. Services which provide digital identity management as a service are classification of internetworked systems. IDaaS – Identity-as-a-Service is a FLAVor (Four Letter Acronym) of the month, which is applied to many services that are already exist. Servers that run the numerous internet domains (.COM, .ORG, .EDU, .MIL, .RU, .TV etc.) are IDaaS servers. DNS configures the identity of a domain as belonging to a group of assigned networks, linked with an owner and his information, and so forth. If the identity is configured in the form of IP number, then the metadata is another property. Definition of an Identity – An identity refers to a set of attributes or characteristics which make something recognizable or known. It is digital identity of an individual that is mostly concerned in computer network systems. An attribute and metadata of any object related to another object that enables an object to be identifiable is termed as Digital Identity. An identity can belong to an individual and may consist of the following:

  1. Things you are: Biological characteristics like gender, age etc.
  2. Things you know: Personal data like social security PINs etc.
  3. Things you have: Your fingerprint, bank account which you can access etc.
  4. Things you relate to: Your family and friends, beliefs and values etc.

To establish an identity, an individual might be demanded to provide a name and password, that is termed as single-factor authentication method. More secure authentication needs the use of minimum two-factor authentication. To get a multi-factor authentication, an individual might have a system which checks a biometric factor like fingerprint pattern which is unique. Multi-factor authentication needs the use of a network security or reliable services which is in the deployment of reliable services that most common IDaaS applications are employed in the cloud computing. A lot of things has digital identity. Machine accounts and user, devices, and many other objects configure their identity in various methods. In this, identities are created and stored in the database of security domains that are the basis of any domain of network. Network interfaces which are recognized uniquely by Media Access Control (MAC) addresses, that are referred to as Ethernet Hardware Access (EHA). Network identity assign specific MAC address that enables system to be uniquely found on the network. The manner in which a Windows provider validates installation of windows on the system of the user is known as Windows Product Activation and it establish an identification index or profile of the system, which is instructive. During activation, the following unique data components are fetched:

  1. PC manufacturer
  2. CPU type and its serial number
  3. BIOS checksum
  4. Display adapter
  5. RAM amount
  6. A 25-character software product key and product ID
  7. The uniquely assigned Global Unique Identifier or GUID
  8. Network address and its MAC address
  9. SCSCI and IDE adapters
  10. Hard drive and volume serial number
  11. Optical drive
  12. Region and language settings

Each of the above uniquely identified hardware characteristics is assigned a factor such that an overall sum can be remunerated.

Advantages of IDaaS

  • Reduced costs: IDaaS eliminates the need for organizations to invest in on-premises hardware and software to manage user identities and access. This can result in significant cost savings in terms of hardware, software, and maintenance expenses.
  • Improved security: IDaaS provides a more secure environment for managing user identities and access. It offers advanced authentication methods, such as multi-factor authentication, which can enhance security and reduce the risk of data breaches.
  • Scalability: IDaaS is designed to scale easily and can accommodate a large number of users and resources. This makes it easier to manage user identities and access as organizations grow and expand.
  • Flexibility: IDaaS offers a flexible solution that can be customized to meet the specific needs of an organization. This includes options for integrating with other cloud-based services and on-premises applications.
  • Simplified management: IDaaS provides a centralized management interface that enables organizations to manage user identities and access from a single location. This simplifies the management of user identities and access across different applications and services.
  • Improved user experience: IDaaS offers a seamless user experience across different applications and devices. This makes it easier for users to access resources and applications, which can improve productivity and user satisfaction.

Disadvantages of IDaaS

  • Dependence on internet connectivity: IDaaS relies on internet connectivity, which means that organizations may experience disruptions in service if there are issues with the internet connection or if the service provider experiences downtime.
  • Limited customization: While IDaaS offers some flexibility, it may not be as customizable as an on-premises solution. This may limit an organization’s ability to configure the service to meet specific needs or integrate with certain applications.
  • Security concerns: IDaaS involves transferring sensitive user identity and access information to a third-party service provider. This raises concerns about data security and privacy, as the service provider may be a target for cyber attacks or may not be as stringent in its security practices as the organization itself.
  • Regulatory compliance: Organizations may face regulatory compliance issues when using IDaaS, particularly if they operate in industries with strict data privacy regulations. The use of third-party service providers may require additional compliance measures to be put in place to ensure the security and privacy of sensitive information.
  • Integration challenges: Integrating IDaaS with existing systems and applications may be challenging, particularly if those systems and applications were not designed with cloud-based identity and access management in mind.

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