IBM Interview Experience (Off-Campus)

Round 1 (Coding Test): The first round was a coding round of 30 min for only one question. The code was simple. The question was : Given a binary search tree (BST), find the lowest common ancestor (LCA) of two given nodes in the BST.

Those who qualified this round , they got the mail for cognitive ability round.

Round 2 (Cognitive Ability): The second round was the cognitive ability round. This round had 5 games that check your mental ability. This round was also for 30 mins.

Those who cleared the cut-off for this round got a mail for the English round.

Round 3 (English Assessment): The third round was English Assessment where they ask about spelling correction, finding grammatical errors, word meaning, etc. This round was 15 mins and it was MCQ and had negative marking.

Those who cleared this round got the mail for the interview round.

Round 4 (Technical + HR Interview + Managerial Questions):

Duration: 30 mins

The questions were:  

  1. Tell me about yourself
  2. Explanation of projects and algorithms used. Real-life use cases , future scope etc.
  3. Write code for inorder , postorder , preorder traversals.
  4. OOPs concept with examples and real life uses
  5. Questions for array , linkedlist – real life implementations.
  6. Situation-based questions – If your team resists your idea, what will you do? How do you resolve workplace conflicts? What process might you use to make presentations for clients? Have you ever disagreed with fellow teammates etc.
  7. Why IBM, where do you see yourself in 5 years ? Why do you want to join our company ? Strengths and Weaknesses ?

Verdict: Selected

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