IBM Interview Experience for Associate Systems Engineer (Off-Campus)

The recruitment process consists of 4 rounds.

Round 1(Coding Test): There was only one question that you have to solve in 30 minutes. 

  • The level of the question was easy to moderate and the test was conducted in the HackerRank platform. 
  • The asked question generally belongs to array and string.
  • If you qualify first round then within one or two days you will get the link for another round.

Round 2(Game-based cognitive ability assessment): It was again for 30 minutes. There were 5 types of questions asked in the assessment. For each game, they will provide you with a tutorial. You can see the tutorial multiple times.

  • Short-cuts:

 The aim of this game is to move the blue marbles to the stars. There are some numbers available on the track. When you move any marble, the number on the track will be added to the distance traveled. There will be some red marbles too which will act as an obstacle in the path and you have to fix them too.  The aim of this task is to move blue marbles to the stars with the minimum distance traveled. There will be three categories to evaluate your performance i.e, Ok, Good and Great.

  • Grid-Lock :

  In this game, you have to fit the blocks into the given grid. You can rotate the blocks too to fix them in the grid.

  • Resembles:

In this game, there will be an objective pattern on the left side and you have to make the same on the right side with the help of given blocks.Rotation is also attached in objective patterns. The question will be like this– you have to make a pattern that is 180 degrees right rotated in comparison to the objective pattern presented on the left side.

  • NumBubbles:

In this game, there will be a target value and some balloons presented on the screen. you have to click only that balloons that result in the same value as the target. Try to hit the maximum correct balloons.

  • Tally Up

You have to click that side that has greater value after the addition of all the individual values presented on one side. If values on the left side and right side are equal then you have to click on the equal sign which is presented below. In the given image value  4 is negligible and hence right side will give the highest value.

Round 3(English Assessment Test):

  • The duration of this round was 10 minutes. Asked questions were related to Error-detection in sentences. Some questions were to check the spelling of given words.
  • Try to solve maximum questions as you can because there is no limit to questions, just you have to solve them in a shorter duration. There is negative marking too so you have to be quick and accurate.

Round 4(Interview): It was a mixed-up of both technical round and HR round. The duration of this round was 30 minutes. Asked questions are listed below.

  • Tell me about yourself.
  • Discussion on projects which are mentioned in the resume.
  • Role of each member in your project.
  • Have you faced any conflicts in your project? If yes, how you overcame it?
  • Have you ever deployed your project on AWS servers? Although AWS was not mentioned in my resume, he asked me to check my basic understanding of cloud computing.
  • Use of joins.
  • New technologies you are familiar with.
  • What are the subjects in your 8th semester?
  • One of the subjects was Entrepreneurship Development so he asked me how do you define the word Entrepreneurship?
  • Do you know any Entrepreneur name and what are the things you like about him or her?
  • He asked me about Groww that how coupons work in Groww. I did not answer because I didn’t know about it.
  • Some Scenario-based questions that how will you handle if one of your team members is not doing his work properly.
  • Rate IBM recruitment Process.
  • What are your hobbies?
  • What do you like to read in your free time?
  • Any questions for me?

Verdict: Selected.


  • In the gaming round, it is a choice whether you want to use a mouse or mobile. Do not use a trackpad as it is too slow comparatively. I will suggest use mobile because you have to be very quick and there will be a number of questions, the only constraint is time. Solve as many as you can solve in a given time limit.
  • English Assessment is the crucial round and this round is like an umpire of the whole recruitment drive. Questions will be easy, you have to solve as many as you can solve within 10 minutes. Many students got rejection after this round because the cut-off is so high for this round.
  • Only use a tablet or mobile for English Assessment and avoid guessing because there is a penalty too for wrong answers. So be fast and accurate.

All the very best!!

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