IBM Interview Experience for Associate System Engineer (On-Campus)

Round 1: Coding Test

The first round was a coding round of 30 min for only one question. The code was simple. The question was to find numbers in a given string and display it and if the number has 3 zeros at the end it should be converted to 1 zero i,e 1000 will be 10.

Practice similar question

More than 330 students had applied for coding only 82 were shortlisted for 2nd round

Round 2: Cognitive Ability

The second round was the cognitive ability round. This round had 5 games that check your mental ability. This round was also for 30 mins. You can practice for this round from here


Round 3: English Assessment

The third round was English Assessment where they ask about spelling correction, find grammatical errors, word meaning, etc. This round was of 15 mins and it was MCQ and had negative marking.

You can prepare for this form here


Out of 82, 32 were selected for technical interview

Round 4: Technical + HR Interview

The questions were

  • Tell me about yourself
  • How are the classes going on in a covid situation
  • Where do I live and how is the situation there
  • What types of vulnerability do you see in real-world ( As I mentioned cybersecurity in my resume)
  • What types of CTFs you play
  • What projects did you made, Was it a group project
  • Did you have proper planning before making the project
  • Explain the project and difficulty faced in making the project
  • Write the logic of pyramid pattern printing
  • What is a foreign key
  • Linked Lists vs Array
  • What are your views on India’s performance at Tokyo Olympics
  • If a task is given to you other than security will you be able to do that
  • You are given a word “warm” you have to convert it to “cold”. You can only change one alphabet at a time and each alphabet you change should form a word that has a meaning. You can change the alphabet for only 4 times as the length of the word “warm” is 4
  • Are you comfortable with relocation
  • Any Questions

The interviewer was very friendly. I answered all the questions as I practiced cybersecurity for 2 years.

Tip: Know what you say in your resume

23 students were selected and I was one of them

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