IBM On Campus Interview Experience(Associate Developer Profile)

There were basically 4 written rounds and 1 technical + Hr interview (combined).

Written Rounds-

Round 1: The first round was congnitive ability, There were basically 5 gaming rounds, to check how fast you can think and answer, its not like the aptitude test but more of basic arithmetic questions and 1 game  was related to puzzle rotation.Overall it was easy, try to complete as many possible as u can.From our campus (VIT VELLORE) out of 1400 applied and 800-900 were shortlisted for the next round.

Round 2:It was a psymetric test or personality test(Strongly agree or disagree one’s), give you best in this section .For the next round they shortlisted around 400, most of them were disqualified in this, IDK why tho.

Round 3+4:It was combined round of ENGLISH and CODING.English was  pretty easy, for coding also they asked basic code for example i got prefix to postfix, some got bit manipulation code etc.
Out of 400, 190 students were shortlisted for technical Interview.


It was a new day and HR announced that your interview will go on till 45 mins if it is the best or 15 mins for the worst case, The interview was very easy, they didnt ask much technical related questions, only related to SQL queries and Java OOPS basics .The main aim was to see the student projects, i almost explained my project for around 25 mins and it created a massive impact on interviewer.I would say that you should more focus on your projects and basics, don’t go into very deep if you have less time to prepare.

After all the interviews they shortlisted 58, luckily i was one of them.
All The Best,
If you have any queries regarding this, you can mail me !! ?

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