IBM Interview Experience

I wasn’t hired as an intern at IBM but as a full-time employee only. But I do know a few people who were hired as interns too for technical profiles. So I shall provide information based on both experiences in my answer.

Before an interview, you will be expected to clear a test which is one of the most important parts to get into any of the internship roles at IBM. This test has questions on Verbal Ability (to check your understanding of the English Language), Mental Ability consists of questions on Logical Reasoning, Data Interpretation, and Quantitative Aptitude. In addition to that, if you are applying for a developer role, you may have to go through a Coding test. This test will have logic-based questions where you will have to choose from a given set of options or in some cases even write blogs too.

Once you are through the test, you will have to go through a technical interview where your technical knowledge and communication skills will be evaluated. The technical questions will be based on the profile that you have applied for. For example, if you have applied for a role in Cloud (or IBM Cloud or Blumix), you shall need to have a thorough knowledge of cloud-based services like Paas, SaaS, IaaS, and popular frameworks like AWS, Azure, etc.

If you want to increase your chances of getting into an internship for a technical role at IBM or any other company like it, you need to work on making your basics strong because that is one thing that will help you learn any technology fast and better(companies look for candidates who have better aptitude and logic who are more suitable to teach new technologies). If you are planning to try for a developer role, concentrating especially on subjects like Data Structure, Operating Systems, DAA and COA will help you make your logic stronger.

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