HSBC Interview Process-On Campus-SDE

Round 1: There are two sections in the online test which is on the co-cubes platform. The first section is aptitude & logical reasoning and Second section has two coding questions. The first question is based on arrays which was easy and the second question is Students who have solved one or more than one problem with good aptitude score have been selected to next round of interview. Around 50 people have attended for the first round. Out of which 9 were selected to the next round. 

Round 2: As I have scored well in aptitude and solved one coding question, I have been selected for technical round. Initially, the interviewer asked me to introduce myself. He asked me questions on the projects that I have mentioned in my resume. 

He asked me to write three coding questions:

  1. Remove duplicate elements in a given array. 
  2. Print spiral matrix 
  3. Sum of elements in linked lists were asked. 

After solving all 3 questions, he asked me few more questions on projects.

There were couple of generic questions like ‘What is my aspiration?’. 

Out of 9 members, 3 were shortlisted for next round. 

Round 3: This is another technical interview. The interviewer asked me about the languages I’m comfortable with, I have mentioned both Python and Java. 

Questions asked:

  1. Difference between Final, Finally, Finalize 
  2. Synchronization in threads
  3. Definitions/Meaning of Keywords – Public, static, void, main 
  4. Abstraction vs Interface
  5. Composition vs Aggregation vs Association
  6. Inheritance, Encapsulation, Polymorphism & types
  7. Inner classes
  8. Multithreading in Java
  9. Map and Reduce in Python
  10. Did you use any database relating framework – As I have done a web development project which includes FLASK framework I have explained about it.

Few more questions on my projects mentioned in the resume. All 3 students went to the next round. 

Round 4: This is an HR round. 

Questions asked:

  1. Tell me about yourself?
  2. Why HSBC?
  3. Are you willing to relocate?
  4. Which programming language are you comfortable?
  5. What challenges did you face while doing projects?
  6. Is group project better than working alone?

Out of 3 people, they have finalized two of us. 

Thanks a lot to w3wiki!  

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